The idea

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As days passed Luna became friends with Lily Evans, who, like her loved to read. The two girls spent time in the library together doing homework. Lily was also helping her with Ancient Runes which was the subject Luna was the worst at.

One morning when the two of them were going to the library they came across Remus Lupin. He smiled at them, they smiled back.

" Er... Lily do you mind helping me with my Potions homework? " he asked.

" Sure, " said Lily. " We were just going to the library anyway. Oh, Luna this is my friend Remus Lupin by the way. "

Luna smiled at him.

In the library Luna was studying and Lily had gone to search for a potions book for Remus when Luna heard someone calling Remus in a hushed voice. She glanced up to see James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew standing in the doorway of the library. Potter gestured towards the direction Lily had just gone.

Realization dawned on Remus' face as though he had forgotten something, he gave Potter one last exasperated look but Potter ignored him and the three went back. Remus turned around and noticed Luna's quizzical look.

" James wants me to ask Lily if she will go out with him, " he explained, " he thinks that Lily might listen to me."

" Oh " she said, " I doubt Lily will agree even if you ask." But this had given Luna a very good idea. She was now going to make her grandparents get together before their seventh year.

Once Lily came back with the book she was searching and placed it on the table.

Remus asked her, " Er... Lily. James was asking if- "

" No," she sighed exasperatedly.

" Er... right, I'll tell him, " Remus said giving Lily a apologetic look.

After they had finished studying the three parted ways, Lily and the other two parted ways. Lily went somewhere to meet her friends while Luna and Remus went to the Gryffindor common room.

" I'm sorry about James and Sirius you know, " he said referring to their meeting on the train.

Luna waved his apology off. " It's fine," she said. " I wanted to talk to Potter." It felt weird calling someone Potter when she herself was one.

Remus looked surprised. " James? Oh, er... sure. "

Once they reached the Common Room, the other three marauders were sitting on the couch. Potter was catching his snitch while Black watched him looking bored and Pettigrew staring at Potter in awe. Potter stared at Remus hopefully once the two of them entered.

Remus shook his head and Potter's shoulders slumped.

" Luna wants to talk to you by the way, " Remus said.

" What about? " Potter asked looking quizzical.

" Lily," she said.

Potter's eyes lit up. " Can you convince her to go out with me? " he asked.

" No, but I can tell you how you can convince her, " Luna replied.

(A/N : I hope you like this chapter! I'll update the next chapter asap. I've got a few more ideas but please feel free to tell if you have any ideas.)

Lily Luna Potter Lost In TimeWhere stories live. Discover now