Chapter 28

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Night fell, the stars and the moon came out and the water sparkled in the moonlight. The two stared at each other and leaned in till their lips were centimeters apart from each other. Their lips were about to touch when they heard Filch shouting.

"Students out of bed," he was saying. "Come out Black, Potter, Lupin, Pettigrew. I know it's you four. Oh how I wish they still used the same punishments. Then you all wouldn't even have dared to come out at night."

Lily, whose face was as red as her hair, and James, who looked dazed, froze. The pair quickly and silently went inside, ducking behind the wall so that Filch wouldn't see them. They were hurrying up the stairs and down the corridors, but stopped in their tracks when they heard a voice behind them.

"Well, well." The person said. "Look who it is."

Slowly, they turned around. Behind them were Snape, who was glaring at James and avoiding looking at Lily ; (Regulus) Black, whose face wore a blank expression ; Rosier, who was smiling rather cruelly ; Avery, who wore the same expression as Rosier ; and Mulciber, who wore a menacing smirk, it seemed he had been the one speaking .

"The beauty and the beast," Mulciber said.

"Now, now," James said. "I won't exactly call Evans a beast."

Mulciber glared at him. Then, ignoring James's comment he said, "out for a midnight stroll are we?"

"That's none of your business," James said glaring back at him.

"Well, technically you're out after curfew and Regulus here," he sneered shoving Black forward, "is a prefect and could easily give you detention."

"Well, you all shouldn't be out either," James replied tensely.

Mulciber opened his mouth, probably to utter a unpleasant remark.

But just then Lily hissed, "Shut it!" she was listening to intently to some sound which was very low.

"You don't get to tell us what to do, Mudblood," Mulciber sneered nastily.

Then he turned to Snape, "Isn't it Severus?" he asked his lip curling.

"Yes," Snape replied coldly.

"Shh," Lily said, completely ignoring Mulciber's remark and nudging James in the ribs. "Listen."

It was Filch again.

"Come on my lovely, quickly, we'll surely catch them this time." They heard his footsteps getting closer.

The Slytherins shot one final glare at the two of them before hurrying away, not wanting to get caught.

"Uh.. We'd better go as well," Lily said, blushing.

"Oh.. er, yeah." James replied.


Ok, so, I have a question. Well, it's not exactly a question but... it affects this story.

So, chose one option out of these and tell in the comments.

1) Marauders + Lily Evans

2) Regulus Black and Severus Snape

3) Marauders + Lily Evans and Regulus Black and Severus Snape

I hope you do tell because I'm having a hard time deciding... Also, I'm very sorry for the really late update. And thank you for all the votes (stars) and I hope you all like this story!! :)

- Ginny Weasley

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