Chapter 15: A Twist in the Bond

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Chapter 15


It was the last day of school before winter break. Of course, this got everyone excited. I was too but because it meant going to the biggest party... again.

Alex was throwing yet another party and only those invited could go. But we didn't need one. He just saw us and we were in. I asked him if I could take Drew and he said he could.

Only problem is, Drew works that night, not sure what he does. So I had to go with Hannah and my brother. But it would still be fine.

I wonder if I could invite Jace..

I quickly texted Alex asking if I could and he also said he could too. The thing about Alex is that he can be such a sweetheart at all times but also be a complete douche, when he wants to.

Since I was in class, I had to text Jace instead. Which I did.

Are u busy tonight?

No. Why? He quickly texted.

I looked up from my phone to see where my teacher was then I continued to text.

Theres a party tonight. Do u want to come?

Sure. whos taking who?

I could ?

"Miss Adams! I see you give more attention to electronics than education. Phone please." My teacher held her hand out to me. I gave her my phone and shrank back into my seat. I hate when this happens.

Guess I had to wait until after class. The bell rang, thankfully, and I went to my teacher's desk.

"Here's your phone Lori, and please. Stop. Texting." My teacher slightly scolded me. I hung back to gather my things and I found a note on my desk. I opened it and it read:

Meet me by locker 289 after the bell rings.

I didn't know anyone who had Locker 289 and I wondered who it was. I then quickly stuffed all my things in my bag and left my class.

Locker 289 was all the way in the east hall. How? Because I was all the way in the west hall where the locker numbers are in the thousands.

As I walked in the other direction, I caught Victor and Maeve together. I hid behind the wall, near the staircase, and I didn't mean to but I listened in on their conversation.

"Victor, what's wrong baby?" she said in her whiny voice.

"Maeve stop. I'm here to tell you that, I don't want to be with you." He said bluntly.

"Why not? We love each other." she said not bothered by what he said.

"I love Lori." He said flaty, his voice strangled by anger.

"What does she have that I don't!?" Maeve sounded angered by what he said.

"She loves herself before anyone else. She has respect for herself. You. You don't have any of those attributes. You never will." Victor sneered.

"What's the point of loving her. She doesn't want you anymore." She did have a point.

"I don't want you." He said flatly.

I heard her gasp, as if his words slapped her.

"Fine. If that's what you want. You're missing out then." I heard her voice quiver.

"No one is missing out." Victor sneered.

I backed away when I heard footsteps and I tried to retreat quickly down the stairs but I was stopped dead in my tracks when she spoke.

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