Chapter 9: Broken Pieces

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Korra's POV

(Y/N) was next to me in my arms when Vaatu left the tree of time, floating before us. "Raava, Tula, Nothing could stop this moment. Harmonic Convergence is upon us once again." He says. (Y/N) gathers her strength and grips her sword tighter. "I'm not going to let you fuse with Unalaq. You're going right back in that prison." I said and Vaatu attempted to fuse with my uncle but I knocked him back with firebending and used airbending to throw Unalaq back into the portal. "Don't let Unalaq back into the spirit world" (Y/N) says. "What about you?" Bolin asks. "Don't worry, I always have Korra's back." She said and her eyes turned white and she turned back to Vaatu after Mako and Bolin left. And so the battle between light and dark begins once again.

"I need to get to the tree of time, you attack and I'll flank." She says and starts running off. I start with earthbending and follow with water and fire but Vaatu dodges all those attacks and charges towards (Y/N) but her eyes turned white and she leaped surprisingly high and dodge him. I use my airbending and charge to attack as I see (Y/N) climb onto the tree of time and wait for an opening. Vaatu blasts me back with a dark energy beam and (Y/N) leaps far and lands her sword into Vaatu's back and drags it down. He knocks her off and then wraps the both of us in vines. I struggled and struggled but it seemed I couldn't get free so I attacked Vaatu and used my fire bending to escape while I saw (Y/N) cut herself free.

(Y/N)'s POV

Korra and I free ourselves and she attacks again with every element, using Tula's power heightens my abilities so I ran as fast as I could and leaped to slice a chunk of Vaatu, giving Korra the opportunity to begin locking him into the tree of time once again. But I look to the portal and see Unalaq coming towards us. "You're not stopping this Unalaq." I yell at him. "Oh but I am." He says and attacks me with his water bending, hoping to sweep my feet. I flip over it and slide as he hopes to hit my head. After I dodged the attack and it ended up hitting Korra. Vaatu then knocks me into the tree of time and Unalaq knocks Korra out while everything goes black.

"Tula, TULA!!" I yelled inside my mindscape. "You are weak, you are here to rest." They said. "Vaatu is about to get to Korra and destroy us as well please help me." I beg. "I suppose I could. You are in the tree of time where the greatest amount of spirit energy lies. Although my existence has only been activated recently you can open yourself to change. But do it quickly, Raava's fate lies within your path." They say and I wake up to see Vaatu fused with Unalaq.

"We are now one." He says as I sit to meditate. My breathing even and focused on both Raava and Vaatu's energy. "Now a new era for spirits and humans will begin, and I will lead them all as the new avatar." Unalaq continues. "Well, I'm the old avatar and my era's not over yet." Korra yells. Focus (Y/N). With Tula in my head we channel the energy that we have on our own. The clash between Korra and Unalaq was so powerful it almost knocked me back to reality but luckily Korra went outside the portal to fight him.

Korra and (Y/N)'s POV

Vaatu's energy was powerful but Raava was just touching the surface. Unalaq had split the ground I fell on and closed me in. "Korra, this fight is not over. Vaatu cannot win. Do not give in to another 10,000 years of darkness. You are the Avatar." Raava said. Raava's energy had spiked. I could feel the light inside my soul. "You must focus on the both of them, think of the power that is most connected to them both." Tula said.

Third Person POV

(Y/N)'s eyes had opened, they were glowing once again. Memories of her life surrounded her inside the tree of time. The worst of it on the left and the best on the right. On the right most of the memories were filled with Korra, the day they first met, the time they first kissed, everytime they have ever embraced each other in time of need, even the moments she left Asami, Mako, and Bolin into her life. On the left are the moments that haunted her most, Phantom and Amon, the figures of Zaheer, and the time of her bullies and injuries. But the most important moment was the day she was abandoned as a baby, the very same night, The Red Lotus tried to kidnap Korra. As Mako and Bolin ran off to help (Y/N) in her mind realized that she needed to finish the fight between light and dark once and for all.

Korra's POV

Unalaq attacked me while I was on the ground but I used an airbending spiral to reach his height and attack with firebending, and flanked his side with three boulders. I landed on the ground once more and flipped 5 times and launched myself in the air to send a series of fire kicks. I landed and I caught a stream of Unalaq's water in my hand, pulled and forced him to the ground, I grabbed him with my own waterbending and we pulled each other apart. From a distance I saw Unalaq's eyes glow red and he pulled me even closer and the ground rumbling under our feet but before we met in the middle someone flew through the portal and towards us and with enough focus in my mind I saw (Y/N). She soon crashes into the middle of a green aura surrounding her, sending the both of us back. "ENOUGH!!! Unalaq for the sake of the world you can't possibly believe 10,000 years of darkness will cause peace between spirits and humans." She yelled. Unalaq in anger charged at her and attacked but (Y/N) retaliated with airbending. Airbending? (Y/N) can airbend. Is this what Tula spoke to me about with (Y/N) having this power, this potential inside her "What happened to staying neutral, Tula." Unalaq and Vaatu ask within the same body. "It is clear to me to keep balance, every now and then you have to pick sides." (Y/N) and Tula said. (Y/N) blasts Unalaq away and I get up to help her.

By the time I make it to her side we separate and charge at him for the right and left. I attack for above while Unalaq stays on the ground and fights (Y/N) head on. She throws her airbending while I try to hit Unalaq from above but he keeps dodging along everything I throw.

(Y/N)'s POV

Unalaq and I were going at it while Korra tried to take his attention off of me. As I charge Unalaq and he decided to be smart this time and try to attack upper and lower body so I dove between both attacks and used my sword to create a quick slash of air to knock him into Korra but he created a giant water spout to lift him in the air, before I could reach his height he knock me so hard to the point I flew back into the spirit world and crashed to the ground. I felt exhausted but I had to keep trying.

Korra's POV

As (Y/N) was knocked back Unalaq grabbed me the same way as before and he growled like an animal and Vaatu came out to surround my face, the more she pulled the more empty and exhausted I felt. I fell to my knees and Raava was pulled out of me and I layed in the snow. Mako and Bolin were running towards me and I could see (Y/N) coming out the portal speeding to me as fast as she could. Mako and Bolin attack but they were knocked back and (Y/N) probably had fear in her eyes for me. Unalaq slashed Raava and I could feel Aang disappear as I struggled to get up, another slash and Roku was gone, another and Kyoshi, slash after slash until Raava was gone.

(Y/N)'s POV

No, no, no, NO!! I was too late. I let my anger consume me as I tackled him and punch him repeatedly over and over, until he was strong enough to knock me back and grow into a giant dark spirit. "Now, 10,000 years of darkness begins." He says and reaches for the sky. As he started to disappear, the sky began to become a storm and the energy surge blew all of us back. 

(A/N): One more chapter and we are on to the next book. I'm really excited to start the Zaheer storyline, and I hope you enjoy. Thanks for 2k views and 152 votes :)

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