Chapter 3: Corruption

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Korra's POV

The sun was starting to rise as we reached the Southern Water Tribe and I saw the sight of Uncle's Northern Water Tribe troops and I had some concerns but it has to be for a good cause, right? (Y/N) was left to rest given her incident when she meditated outside the spirit portal, she never told us what she saw but all I could tell is that it was intense. I made up with Mako and realized that my friends and family just want to help me. By the morning and people were on the streets uncle's troops started water bending ice walls at the docks and walking through the streets clearing crowds. I join my uncle on the balcony and ask about what's next. "Now that you've opened the southern portal, we need to protect it from people who would do the spirits harm." He says andI immediately claim to be able to protect it but he says he needs me for something else. "There is another portal in the north, once you open it spirits and man will be able to move freely between the north and the south in a matter of seconds." He says. "But the solstice is over, how am I going to open?" I asked and he said that the energy in me and the north pole are much stronger. Soon the world can be united through those spirit portals. "Now inform (Y/N) she needs to go with you." Unalaq says. "Don't you think it would be a little dangerous for her to go with me?" I ask, I don't want to be a reason (Y/N) could get hurt not anymore. "Actually I think going will be good for her. She needs to meditate again in a place with strong spiritual energy." He said. "But the last time she did that she had a panic attack, whatever she saw had to have been bad." I say concerned. "Of course there is the risk but (Y/N) is a girl that is searching for answers and whatever she saw had to have been a step closer to finding them. And as her teacher I shouldn't stop her from that. I know you see it too, Korra. (Y/N) has potential even without bending the girl seems destined for great things." Unalaq said. All he said about (Y/N) was true, she is amazing at whatever she puts her mind to. Her eyes light up whenever she talks about the adventures she's had or the things she's passionate about. I was going to check up on her after talking to Unalaq but she was always busy with some plans, Asami left her with. Some of the Southern Water Tribe members met together to discuss. (Y/N) was standing next to Zhu Li as Varrick kept on venting about Unalaq taking away our independence. Even when (Y/N) was focused on her blueprints she still looked breathtaking. I try my best to defend Unalaq and his efforts but every one is still with Varrick's claims. I look to (Y/N) for help and she sighs and rolls up the blueprint. "Look Unalaq doesn't rub me the right way either but he is pretty helpful. Sure his precautions are... extreme but it's all for the possibility of balance between the North and South. Let's not go too crazy, independence is important but let's not start a war over this." (Y/N) says calmly and opens her blueprints back up. Varrick takes her speech and the only thing he got was the war part. I immediately go against this war idea and my father claims that it all started with Unalaq. He asks me to go talk to him and I make my way to.

(Y/N)'s POV

Korra had just left the meeting to talk to Chief Unalaq, my gut tells me to keep an eye out but I have to point out that his efforts to get me the answers I long for are worth the risk. Varrick talks to Tonraq about preparing and he pulls me into the conversation too. "(Y/N) you're Unalaq's other student, and it's clear that Korra is on his side but I don't have a good feeling." He starts. "I don't either Tonraq but I'm not going to break Korra's trust." He nods and continues to speak. "And I won't ask you to do that but talk to Korra or look into Unalaq's true intentions." I nod and leave to return to my cabin. The stress of this situation isn't good for me but I put myself in this. It's all for a mystery to be revealed. I have to continue to reassure myself or else the worst could happen. Stressful thoughts like these are what make me wish I was back exploring the fire nation and earth kingdom.


My boat was severely damaged and drifted me to a nearby island. It took me a few hours to wake up after passing out from exhaustion but I quickly realized that this very island is where the 100 year war ended. The pillars of rock standing tall, some shorter than others, probably due to Avatar Aang using them to his advantage. Some of the forest surrounding it was burned down but not all of it meaning there could be a chance of more food then the little snacks I had in my satchel. I ventured farther from the beach after I pulled my boat onto land. The forest green and a small river stream caught my eye. I collected some fresh water to drink and started grabbing fruit from the trees along with materials to repair my boat. Given the damage I think I'm going to be at this island for at least a week. After eating and repairing a little I walked into the maze of rock pillars. The energy of the place was ominous and powerful all at the same time, being here immediately gave me a sense of freedom, I haven't felt that since I first arrived in republic city and those fun moments with Korra. I feel myself smile at the memory of Korra, just 2 more months and I'm back in the city with her and my friends. I'm sure her and Mako are going strong. Before the jealous thoughts invaded my thoughts I saw a pointed rock on the side of a pillar. I was drawn to it and it's energy just made me want to touch it. I skimmed my fingers along it and my mind was meant with flashes of a galaxy, stars sparkling like a certain avatar's eyes. I quickly came back to reality and the energy I felt was gone and I was drawing into another direction.

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