Chapter 8: My New Reality

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Korra's POV

Have you ever had that person you'd search the ends of the earth for? The one that makes it feel like a fantasy. The one that believes that they are so flawed but in your eyes they're perfect. That's (Y/N), friend or lover, partners or enemies, I can see myself never giving up on her. To be honest I was supposed to go to sleep but Asami found me having a panic attack in the hallway. "Korra, look at me. It's ok." She said. Asami was closest to (Y/N) beside me. She looked exhausted, her eyes were red as if she had been crying too. "Do you want me to get Mako?" She asked as I was still trying to slow my breathing. I immediately shook my head no. Asami sighed and brought me into my room. She sat down with me and I was shocked when she asked me this question. "You still love her, don't you?" Asami asked.

I nodded. "I can't stop, she...she is my light and the fear of hurting her is my darkness. She's my balance. If she is gone Asami, If I can't get her back, I know I'll feel......" I stopped but Asami finished. "Empty." She said and took a deep breath. "Not gonna lie, it's hard not to be mad at her. The girl takes risks and my heart broke when she got that injury from the plane explosion, I thought I lost one of my best friends. Korra she loves you so much, she'd do anything to make sure you're ok. But she ignores her pain and let's it take her over. If this is anything like that then I know you are the only one that can wake her up." Asami said. "I think I already did." I admitted. "She's stuck or is staying with Unalaq to help stop him. But there was something inside her like a spirit. Like Raava but different." I say concerned. When I saw (Y/N)'s eyes glow I first thought she was a second Avatar of some sorts but that can't be it, there is more to it. "Let's just hope Vaatu doesn't try to harm her too." Asami says and leaves.

I had closed my eyes and gone to sleep but soon woke up and entered a strange dream. "Hello Ravva, nice to officially meet you." A jade and golden spirit says to me. "Who are you?" I ask. "I am Tula, spirit created from both light and darkness." They say. "You are who Vaatu was talking about. Why do you want to save me?" I ask. "I don't wish to save you but your friend does." Tula says. "(Y/N) she's alive? She's ok?" I fraincitly ask. "She is fine, but she is at risk as always. I see your fate but I must let it happen, (Y/N) can get glimpses too and survive if you defeat Unalaq and Vaatu." They say. "Survive? What do you mean?" I ask concerned. "Vaatu not only wishes to rid the world of Raava and snuff out the light but he wants to make sure potential like me and (Y/N) as my vessel doesn't get a chance to defy him. Meaning if Vaatu isn't defeated you might as well set the love of your life up for her fall." They said. "I'll do whatever it takes, I won't give up I promise!!"I yell and wake up drenched in sweat.

By the time I was freshened up I was out on deck training with Tenzin who I haven't told about (Y/N) and Tula, I saw Bolin talking to Mako with a smug look on his face but I couldn't care the anger of what Unalaq could do to (Y/N) fueled me to blow the dummy's head off with me firebending. I got the head from Mako and thanked him, I was going to walk away but it seemed like he had something to say but it turned out to be nothing. By the time we got back to my home my mother told me my father had been captured by Unalaq and (Y/N) was with them. I heard whispers from some of the soldiers she injured, they feared her but I made sure my mother told them it wasn't her choice. I can't imagine the guilt she's gonna have when she wakes up from all this chaos. We brought Jinora to Master Katara to help and went back outside to make a plan. As Tenzin and Bumi were arguing Asami came up with a real plan. The plan was set while her, Bolin, and Mako use the plane to attack, the rest of us are flying in with Tenzin's bison.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was sharpening my sword when Unalaq's children walked in questioning why they are still in the Southern Water Tribe. They don't know what's about to happen, what the world is about to face. What I'm about to face. "After today there will be no more water tribe, no more nations of any kind. The world is about to be transformed into something magnificent and new, I will lead this glorious revolution. Now go outside and get the troops ready to defend the spirit portal." He said. The twins then question who and Unalaq reveals the truth. "The Avatar will be here soon, she has no choice. (Y/N) go with them as well, your presence will startle their minds." He says and I nod. But he stops me by saying something. "If they make it to the portal you follow after them, my plans will not be stopped." He says in desperation. "Yes sir but do realize I do this for Tula, not you." I say and can see in the reflection of the ice my eyes glowing white. "Whatever you are, Vaatu will end you as well." Unalaq says with a hint of fear in his voice. I chuckle at his effort to intimidate me in this state. "And I will go down fighting but given the physical and emotional scars I have, I'll survive longer than you expect." I say confidently and walk out to see a plane coming towards the perimeter. "It's about damn time." I whisper to myself and run to help.

I see Tenzin's sky bison higher in the air but it's losing altitude and about to crash, Korra has to be there. The twins notice the plane between the explosions and go to attack it while I secretly disable more of the warrior's mecha tanks by blowing them up. I see both the plane and the sky bison go down and I run to find Korra. By the time I get there I see her chained up and being brought to Unalaq's tent where Tonraq was being held as well. I take a deep breath and enter to see all my friends staring at me in shock then Mako and the audacity to speak. "How could you? You traitor, after all we've done." He said sitting up. I stood there emotionless. I couldn't show Unalaq I was slipping against him more. If I did he'd lock me up with the others. "How dare you talk to my best student and soldier that way. (Y/N) teach him a lesson." Unalaq orders. And I pull Mako to my level and punch him back to the ground. But Mako is as stubborn as always. "Of course you'd go to the enemy, it's what you do when you need to survive. You're selfish and only care for yourself." He spits at me. Now that comment hurts. I'm only reason I'm in this position is because my world came crashing down the moment I thought Korra was dead. I punched him again but this time harder, I was going to do it again but Korra begged me not to, and Asami's stares weren't helping. I stopped and stepped to the side. As I look at Korra as she focuses on Unalaq's speech I see the marks on her face from the crash. I hate the thought of her being hurt and the worse part of it is I can't do anything to help. Asami was looking at me in hope that I wasn't the cold-hearted person I appeared to be. She nodded at me and I nodded back and I saw her green eyes spark with relief and hope. I turn away from her and wait for Unalaq to leave since I'm no longer the vessel Vaatu needs.

"Eska, Desna. Listen to me, you gotta help us stop Unalaq. I know he's your father, but Vaatu has made him completely crazy." Korra says. She's not wrong either the man has gone bonkers. "We will never turn on our father." Eska says. In this moment I would say something but the terrible twins would snitch on me the second I try to. "Please, If you let me out now, I can still stop him from destroying everything. Once he fuses with Vaatu, no one will be safe. Desna, he won't be your father anymore." She says, trying to reason with them but has yet to address me. Desna denies everything Korra says and then she turns to me. "I don't know what's happened to you, (Y/N) but I know this isn't you. You and I both know Unalaq will end you the moment he gets a chance, I know you think you can survive this on your own but please for once let us help each other." Korra looked at me with begging eyes and I almost gave in. Almost.

"Sorry, my hands are tied. Tul- I mean I must allow what happens to happen." I almost spilled my secret to everyone in the room. Luckily short after my answer Bumi comes in and knocks the twins over and I chuckle as Naga knocks them out completely. "Ugh finally those twins were on my butt for the longest." I say, untie Korra and Asami while Bumi does the rest. Korra tackles me into a hug along with Asami and Bolin while Mako stands off to the side. "Can't breath." I say and they let go and let me stand. Soon Asami and Korra both punch me in my shoulders. "Never to do that again." They say at the same time. Mako comes to me. "Sorry for saying what I said." He said and I smiled. "Sorry for punching you." I apologize and he shrugs. "It's cool I probably deserve it." And he reaches his hand out to me and I take it.

Soon we make our way to the portal and Asami hugs me as she takes Tonraq to Senna and the other injured soldiers. After we make a plan and run into the portal. As the light clears I see Unalaq waiting for Vaatu to be free. He turns to us and sends all the dark spirits towards us. Tenzin and his siblings go to find Jinora and Me, Mako, and Bolin go to fight Unalaq while Korra goes to close the portal after knocking the dark spirits away. Unalaq dodges Mako and Bolin's attacks but I charge at him head on. "Don't you understand there is no point in fighting, you won't succeed." He says as I split his water with my sword. My emotions are already heightened as it is, but the more he tries to get a rise out of me the more I realize it's working. "You can't save her, she's doomed already." He said referring to Korra. I feel my eyes glow and charge again this time injuring his shoulder with my sword and ripping the fabric along with some of his skin. "No she's not!!!" I scream and go to charge him again but he knocks me back as I feel the worst headache in my life. Harmonic Convergence is happening and I have to help stop it. The tree that holds Vaatu is overcomed with energy and the more the surrounds it the worse my head feels. Tula is both connected to Vaatu and Raava meaning they can affect me more than they think. Vaatu then is out in the open with Korra standing next to me to help me up. If this is my new reality, I don't want to live in it.

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