Chapter 4: Trials and Testaments

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Korra's POV

Just after my family and I came to an understanding, Unalaq, (Y/N) and his men rushed in ready to arrest my parents. Soon after I talked to both my uncle and my best friend. Earlier I convinced my uncle to give anyone he saw responsible a trial and a trusted man Unalaq knew would oversee the trial. Why do I feel like this won't end well? Unalaq leaves and I'm left to question (Y/N) on why she was with Unalaq. "What's going on with Unalaq you seem more concerned about his plans than I do?" I ask. "It's just observation Korra, I'm not one to trust so easily, I just need to know his intentions, nothing to worry about?" She reassures me. How does she have that effect on me? She can make my mood change from one thing to another. When I'm mad she calms me, Sad and she cheers me up. Why is she like this? Why am I like this? Why can't I find the courage and the personal will to admit it? Maybe I am worthy to make (Y/N) happy. Mako is great and all but we have our issues and I don't think it'll be perfect with (Y/N) but it sure could be close. Here I thought being the Avatar was hard, it seems avoiding love is even harder. "Korra? You ok? You zoned out." (Y/N) interrupting my thoughts. "Yeah just... thanks. I should prepare for the trial and find Mako." I said, I wanted to facepalm myself for even mentioning him. I know she's been distant with him since she's gotten back. I run off and she says she's going to find Asami.

(Y/N)'s POV

I find Asami, Bolin and Mako in Varrick's chamber, and decide to unwind. I've been stressed with the tension between tribes. I just got back and I still have work to do when me and Asami get back to the city. A break is well deserved. That was until my somewhat content thoughts were interrupted by Densa and Eska searching the chamber for Varrick who is now wanted. Bolin bows after Eska leaves and Asami comments. "Don't let her treat you that way. Stand up for yourself." She said and I tried not to say any smart comments but after Bolin mentioned Mako gave him bad advice. "And you thought he was the best person for relationship advice because?" I ask and Mako glares at me and says something back, "Do you have anything better because last time I check I'm the one in a relationship." He said and that was enough to set me off but a voice from the stuffed platypus bear interrupted my soon to be rant. Turns out Varrick and Zhu Li were hiding in plain sight, great now I'm an accomplice to hiding a fugitive. Mako is only with Korra because I didn't fight hard enough, I didn't go after her through my actions I only did through my words. But that's gonna change, I deserve to be happy. I gotta get used to saying that.

The trial soon came and I was standing with Korra and Mako, as much as I hate seeing the two be together it was my job as Korra's "friend" to comfort her in a difficult time just like it's her boyfriend's job to comfort her. As painful as it is I just need to appear confident in something other than fighting for once. Bolin had tried his best to stall the trial and despite Korra's truthful testimony I'm pretty sure her father is going to be found guilty. Between the time before the judge was going to come out Korra took time to herself to gather her thoughts. Mako pulled me to the side to talk with me. "What is your problem?" He asked. "My problem whatever could you mean?" I ask with a little sarcasm in my voice. "Me and Korra, are you trying to break us up or something?" He says and I scoff. "Look, my feelings for Korra are none of your business, I'm not the kind of person to hurt relationships unlike someone I know." I say, trying not to be loud. "So you do still have feelings for her and what's that supposed to mean?" He asks, offended. "You know what it means. Love doesn't go away Mako. And I swear if you hurt her you'll have to answer to me. My six month long trip wasn't a vacation to get over the one person that truly loves me, romantically or not. Deal with it Mako because I'm not going anywhere." I say and join Korra for the sentencing while he goes and sits with Asami. Senna is found innocent but Korra's father along with the rest of the men are found guilty and the punishment is death. But Korra's reasonable outburst gets Unalaq to convince the judge to change the punishment to life in prison.

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