Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part I - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It

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" Many a kind smile hides a vicious heart. "

[ Warning: Smut - but the kind that leaves room for imagination.... ]


I awoke to the sound of a nightingale right in front of my bedroom window, singing its song to greet the sun that prepared to ascend behind the hills. It was still dark outside & - except for this one quite vocal bird - dead silent as well.
I blinked a few times to erase the stains of slumber from my eyes, becoming more & more aware of my surroundings & my body with each blink. Especially the latter.

The first thing I noticed was a dry, burning sensation between my legs, throbbing along to the rhythm of my heartbeat. It wasn't actually painful, yet certainly not very pleasant either. At least not until I figured out the cause...
Exhaling softly I tilted my hips in order to roll on my side, only now noticing the cold moisture sticking to the skin on my inner thighs, along with a dull prickle inside my womanhood; a sweet reminder of how deliciously sore I was.

A soft smile formed on my lips when I took a quick stroll down memory lane, collecting all the highlights of the last few hours just to replay them inside my head over & over again. One of them became quite vivid once I lifted my arm to push a strand of hair out of my face, the joints in my shoulder screaming in response to every single move I made. Even my wrists were suddenly feeling numb.

Of course they did...

No more than two hours ago Dwayne had literally pinned them above my head & slammed me against the wall to ravish me breathless, blessing me with multiple climaxes. I could swear I was still able to feel the thrusts of his strong hips & the steady, ruthless rocking motion inside my lower abdomen.
The memory ended with the vague image of me sitting on top of him, both of us covered in sweat & one moaning louder than the other, suffering a slow but powerful orgasm before my body eventually chose to give in...

The smile on my lips morphed into a grin of satisfaction, one that would only widen once I turned my head to catch a glimpse of the other side of my bed, my gradually adjusting eyes settling upon a sleeping Dwayne.

He was so unbelievably beautiful that, for a solid moment, I actually forgot to breathe...

Just like myself he was completely naked from head to feet, the satin blanket poorly covering his private parts; everything else was perfectly exposed to my view. His eyes were closed, his mouth slightly agape, allowing gentle gusts of breath to enter his system & leave again. His mesmerizing features were relaxed, almost lifeless, with a few strands of his silken ebony hair sprawled across his high cheekbones whereas the rest seemed to flow down his shoulders like a waterfall of liquid tar. I watched his chiseled broad chest rise & fall to the rhythm of my own breath, for the first time admiring the beautiful tribal inspired necklace made of what I assumed were wolven fangs, several black & white ribbons & a small bronze-coloured key as a pendant. It went so well with his canine earring & I couldn't help but wonder why I had never asked him about the meaning behind his choice of jewelry. It only fueled my desire to discover more about his origin & life before he became a vampire...

Slowly, quietly, I slithered across the sheets & closer to Dwayne, resisting the urge to touch & accidentally wake him up. He had put so much effort into satisfying me over & over again, he truly deserved to rest now. Unfortunately I couldn't fight the growing temptation to at least breathe a tender kiss against his flawlessly shaped lips, instantly tasting hours filled with passion & lust on my own.

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