Chapter XVIII ~ ᛒ (Berkana) Part I - Cursed Be The Truth...

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[ Content Warning: Sex/Smut ]


With a sigh I dropped onto the bed; not because I was tired or unwell, but because the latest news had filled my entire body with a sudden, crushing heaviness.

" I... I can't believe this... "

From the corner of my eye I watched Marko draw backwards after handing the feather back to Dwayne, soon reaching the couch & leaning against the arm. He remained silent, however I knew that he was just as caught off guard as I was.
Not to mention Dwayne... He was absolutely furious. His breathing went fast & heavy again as his grip on the ominous feather grew even stronger, like he wanted to choke the very life out of it.

Then, with a disdainful snarl-like sound, he let go of the feather, allowing it to gracefully descend towards the floor.

I managed to catch it when it danced around right in front of my eyes, like it was asking for my attention. The feather looked oddly large in my rather small hands, far larger than the one I had found in my kitchen, & in the faint light of the fire bowls that surrounded us I could see that it was also shimmering.
If there was one thing I still failed to wrap my head around no matter how hard I tried it was the fact that, this feather right here, belonged to a human & not an actual bird...

" What should we do now? " , Marko asked, eyes drifting along the fountain over to Dwayne who had fallen victim to the curse that was pacing up & down all lost in thought & therefore remained deaf to his question.

" Dwayne? "

Still no response.
I twirled the feather between my fingertips one last time before placing it on the bed & getting up to walk straight into my beloved vampire's path, putting an end to his restless pacing with a careful hug & a smile.

" Dearest, you need to calm down. Marko told me that you've been in distress ever since you failed to reach me mentally. I understand that you were worried, but I'm here now. All is fine... In this very moment . "

He froze as soon as my hand landed on his arm, bathing in my presence. A soft yet heavy exhalation drew past my ears as his shoulders continued to drop little by little, removing the tension from our embrace. Obviously he wasn't nowhere near complete relaxation yet, but it was still better than before. Besides, I wasn't all perfectly calm either...

" I'm sorry, Lily. But that moment back then... When I couldn't connect with you--- "

" I know, Dwayne. I know. You don't have to bring it up & relive it all over. No more...
It's not doing you any good, I can see it ~ "

Either side of his face was cupped by a hand of mine, helping cease the tremor that shook his broad frame. He smelled so insanely pleasant, so strong & what my female senses considered masculine yet at the same time sweet that it became more & more challenging to focus on getting him grounded in the moment. His well-nigh bare chest emitted so much heat that I thought I was doomed to melt away in his arms & wondered if all this was really just the result of his worries or perhaps more, like a fever.
Or something entirely different that I hadn't considered yet...

" Please come with me, Lily, " he then stated calmly, albeit with a subtle tinge of authority in his voice, like it was meant to come across as an order, " I want the two of us to be alone... For a while... "

" Now? "

" Yes, " the vampire whispered against my forehead, his hot breath tickling the skin, " ...if you don't mind. "

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