Chapter XVI ~ ᛊ (Sōwilō) Part III - Of Frailty... & Those Who Seek To Abuse It

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Finally, after what I assumed had been at least half an hour, my feet touched solid ground again; the cold, lithoidal ground of the cave to be more specific, remnant of a foundered & by mortal life long abandoned hotel lobby.

Dwayne kept close behind me as I approached the heart of the cave, a supporting hand on my hips the whole time. Once we had reached the couch I felt his warm breath against my temple, mere seconds before he planted his lips on my skin, his arm retracting.
" You should sit down, beautiful. There's something I need to take care of, but I'll be back in no time ~ "

" Alright," I whispered, flashing him a delicate smile as he stepped away.

I breathed in deeply, tasting the ocean kelp & salt that the waves washed ashore, the scent of moist soil filling my lungs. From above I heard the flapping of wings as a flock of pigeons prepared to descend, landing on the old water fountain at the centre of the cave. Except for one...

One circled left to settle down on Marko's extended arm the second he entered the place, the bird cooing happily & loud enough for everyone to hear.

I silently watched him explore the bird's plumage with his fingers, a tender smile crawling over his lips. Despite him smiling it was undeniable that he was in severe pain, no longer able to hide last night's consequences; he winced whenever he had to move his left arm, & basically every single step of his was followed by a deeply pained expression, sometimes even a long exhalation dragged through gritted teeth.
My heart sank an inch or two when the young vampire glanced my way, flashing me another smile that crumbled in response to a violent coughing fit, shaking his entire body & scaring off the pigeon. He held his side before dropping onto the couch with a moan, barely noticing my approach until I was already standing right in front of to him.

" Will you be alright?? "

Marko literally forced a chuckle out of himself.
" ... I better, precious. "

" You are in pain, I can see it. Flying all the way here has weakened you. Lay down & rest, your body needs it in order to heal! "

" Can't sleep yet again," he shook his head, eyes gravitating toward mine.
"I gotta protect you! "

" You realize your brothers are there too, right? Besides, you can't do much in your condition anyway... "
I peered down at his chest first, then his ribs, noticing a few dark spots around his sternum that - unless I still couldn't fully trust my eyes - seemed to be growing again.
" And if you don't quit moving so much, the wounds will keep reopening. "

" I can take it... "

" No need to act like a hero, Marko," I walked back to where Dwayne had dropped my belongings only to return with a first-aid kit seconds later, "I already know that you are one. "

He first threw a puzzled look at the kit, then at me.
" What are you doing? "

" I'm about to change your bandage, what else? "

His eyes traveled past me before he furrowed his brows.
" I don't think that's a good idea, precious... "

" Why not? "

It took me a moment - & a subtle head tilt from Marko - to realize that he was referring to Dwayne who was currently moving around the cave swift as a shadow, lighting the many fire bowls with a torch.

I sighed with my whole chest.
" It will be fine. "

" What makes you so sure? "

" The fact that he is literally inside my head. He knows my thoughts, as does he know that they aren't shady ~ "

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