Chapter 4 - The Reason

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M’s POV:

It’s the 7th January. It’s been one week since Hayley and Chad announced their engagement. Hayley has text me multiple times to try and talk to me, but I just ignore them. I’m ignoring everybody. I’m heartbroken. I thought what we had was special. Hayley told me that their relationship was going nowhere, which is why we were secretly seeing each other. She told me that she didn’t love him. That she loved me instead and that she wanted to be with me. I know that all the things she told me were lies. She lied through the gap in her teeth.

She’s been sending me messages like:

“Babe, I need to talk to you.”

“Please let me talk to you. You need to understand what is happening.”

“I miss you.”

“I don’t like not knowing what you’re doing. I don’t know if you’re in America or not.”

“Please, just one small text to tell me that you’re doing okay will be enough.”

I ignored every single one of her texts. I need to erase her, just like she’s not worth anything, when it’s the exact opposite. She is worth everything and more. There is no way I could ever erase her from my life, from myself so easily.

A part of me wants to text Hayley back and tell her that everything is okay. But I can’t do it. It’s as simple as that. I just can’t do it. I want her to come round here and check to see if I’m okay, but she’s too busy with her “fiancé Chad”. I cringe at even allowing his name to flow through my mind. I feel sick to the bottom of my stomach at what Hayley and Chad are doing. His hands are all over her, his lips, his breath.

I shake my head at the thought and get up off of the sofa to go have a shower. I step over the mess that I have allowed to accumulate over the past week and head for the bathroom. When I get to the bathroom, I strip off and just before I turn on the shower, I’m pretty sure I heard a knock coming from my front door. But I shrug it off and get in the shower anyway.

Once I’m finished showering, I get out and retrieve the clothes that I discarded on the floor about 7 minutes earlier and walk into my bedroom. I then get out the clothes I’m going to wear for the day. Sweats, and a loose top. Again I hear a knock coming from the front door, but I ignore it again. I’m probably imagining it, I want her to be knocking on that door. But I doubt that will ever happen again. She’s got her life with Chad now.

I walk back into the living room and decide to start clearing up some of the crap that is all over the floor. Every two minutes or so I hear a knock at the door, but I ignore it every time, my mind is playing on tricks on me. After 10 minutes of cleaning, the room is a decent cleanliness. If I have the energy later, I’ll clean it properly.

Again another knock. This time being accompanied by her voice. “Babe please, let me in.” My mind really is playing tricks on myself. Here it comes again. “I can hear you moving around in there. Please. I’m begging you. Just open the door.”

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” I scream at myself in frustration.

“Babe, you’re worrying me, what’s wrong? What’s happening? Please just let me in.” Her voice entices me. Her voice is like velvet. I guess I should go check the peephole in the door, just in case my prayers were answered. And they were.

Hayley’s POV:

I’m standing outside her apartment. I’m getting growingly more worried about the welfare of her. I’ve just heard her shout out in her apartment. That’s not normal. She hasn’t been replying to my texts, which is also not normal. But if I could have it my way, I would have come over last week to explain, but I thought it would be best to leave it a week, so that she could digest it, and let it sink in.

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