Chapter 1 - Pilot

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Hayley's POV :

I have just finished my 2nd bottle of vodka. My demon thoughts aren't leaving just yet, which indicates that I need to keep drinking. I feel so disgusted in myself, but I don’t think I can keep myself away from her. But for Chad, I'll have to. I love Chad. Not her.

"Fuck you." I scream out, and throw the empty bottle of vodka against the kitchen wall opposite me. As the bottle hits the wall, it smashes and shards of glass come shooting back at me. One piece of glass catches my wrist and it begins to bleed. I then get the sudden urge to do one or two more lines against my wrist.

"Maybe it will release some of these horrific thoughts." I whisper to myself, making sure I am not heard. Even though I am alone our house. I mean my house, seeing as Chad has left me.

I scramble towards the wall and picked up one of the shards of glass. A couple drops of vodka leave the edges, making me jealous that I hadn't consumed all the precious alcohol and now the floor gets some.

I slid the glass sideways against my wrist twice. As the blood pours from my arm I start to feel better, lighter. All my troubles and cares floating away.

I stumble backwards into the kitchen sink and collapse against the floor. I looked at the trail of blood that had proceeded me, it was thick and followed me to my current location.

Maybe I cut too deep. But I was too late to realize that. I had accidentally made the biggest mistake anyone could.

As I laid on the floor I caught a glimpse of a picture on my fridge. A picture of her, of us. "Damn you M..." Was the last thing I mumbled before it all faded away.

Hayley's POV:

I love Christmas.

The lights, the snow. Just the general feeling of optimism that approached with the New Year. I liked to be optimistic, about most things.

We had taken the trip up to Kentucky a week ago, spend time with Chad's family and all. I liked the Gilberts, nice people.

It was about 9am and the Christmas morning charade had long faded. The kids sat in the dining room, awaiting breakfast so they could play with their toys some more.

I was on the couch, sipping my coffee. "Hayles?" I looked up to Chad's sweet face and smiled. "Yeah babe?" I asked. Chad bit his lip nervously, "there's still one more present that needs to be opened" he pointed out.

I frowned and set the cup down on the coffee table. I looked under the tree and sure enough a medium sized box, wrapped in silver paper, was way in the back.

I crawled forward and picked it up. After I had gotten out from under the tree I sat with the present in my lap and looked at Chad. He was smiling and encouraging me to open it.

I read the tag, "To: Hbomb Love: Chadball" it made me grin a little. I looked up at Chad, "baby, we exchanged gifts last night, you didn't have to get me anything else" I said. Chad simply smiled and told me to open it anyway.

I peeled off the lid and found a 2 by 3 inch note card, it read:

"Dear Hayley,

Sweetheart, I've spent six wonderful years with you, and I don't regret a single one. I know we had a rough summer but I want you to know I love you more than anything, and I'll do anything to prove it to you. I'm crazy about you babe, and I hope this shows you how I truly feel about us.....

About our future."

I smiled at the card, a bit curious, and moved the mounds of green tissue paper aside. Inside the medium sized box, was another small box? But this was no ordinary box, ordinary boxes aren't covered in velvet...

I looked up but instead of standing as he had been, Chad was kneeling on one knee in front of me. I held my breath as he picked up the box, opened it, and said "so, what do you say?"

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Every part of my body and subconscious screamed that I loved him and was ready to commit to him finally, but that one lingering corner of my mind, the one that belonged to her, disagreed.

I wondered how she'd feel about the news. If she would be happy, or upset or depressed. What if she didn't care at all?

I looked into Chad's deep green eyes and whispered a one word answer that sealed my fate for the rest of my life.



So this is the first chapter to Tell Me It's Okay.

This fanfiction will be written by Hayley_Jardine and myself! We have a lot planned for this so stay tuned!

Please vote and comment as we would love to hear your feedback!

Thanks Harley (Hayley_Jardine) and Georgia x

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