Chapter 3 - Reminiscing (Part ll)

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We walked slowly to the hotel. It had been about twenty minutes since the ally incident and my lips were still on fire. Hayley hadn't said much afterwards, which kind of worried me. Actually, it completely freaked me out!

We walked in comfortable and slightly awkward silence, passing brightly lit shops. I picked at my fingernails nervously, that is until I felt a hand softly take mine. I looked up and Hayley was smiling at me, cheeks slightly tinted pink.

"H-Hayles aren't you worried someone'll see?" I stuttered out. Great going, you probably hurt her feelings now! To my surprise, Hayley's fingers tangled tighter around mine. So I finally relaxed, and held her hand right back.

We arrived at the hotel and made our way to the elevator. Once inside I pushed the button for the fourth floor and waited patiently. When the doors finally closed two small hands spun me around, and Hayley's lips smashed onto mine.

"Mmmmm" Hayley mumbled into the kiss before pulling away, smiling widely, "I've been waiting until I could do that again" she giggled. I was still frozen over the whole ordeal.

When we got to the room we decided to watch a movie together. "Wayne's World, Wayne's World, Wayne's World", Hayley chanted her movie suggesting, pumping her fists in the air.

I laughed at her cuteness and picked up the DVD case, "alright Hayles we can watch Wayne's World", I agreed. "Really?" Hayley asked excitedly. "Nope, but we can watch Mean Girls", I smirked at her expression and started the movie.

Hayley sat with her arms crossed and an adorable pout on her face. I frowned, "c'mon Hayles" she didn't budge. I moved over and pushed a lock of her red hair behind her ear before softly placing a kiss on her jawline.

I felt Hayley shiver slightly and I smiled against her skin. I moved my kisses down her neck and heard her whimper. "What was that?” I whispered against her collarbone. I pulled away and looked at her surprised, flushed face. I grinned and connected our lips.

It was slow and, to be honest, I didn't think it was going anywhere, until Hayley's tongue was in my mouth. I couldn't believe that Hayley was the one that wanted to take it farther! But still I kissed back, I mean would you back down from the chance to make out with your dream girl?

I noticed that Hayley seemed to getting more adventurous, as I could feel her tongue tracing circles on the roof of my mouth. I moaned and pushed her down on her back, but then she pulled away. Dammit, too far!

Hayley's eyes, now a deep forest green, stared deeply into mine. She ran her fingers through my long blonde hair and grunted. She reconnected our lips and sat up so I was straddling her lap.

I didn't realize where I was until Hayley threw me on the bed and hurriedly climbed on top of me, growling, like some sort of animal. She began to attack my neck, biting, sucking, and repeating until a deep, dark bruise was formed.

She lowered her hands to the hem of my shirt and violently yanked on it a few times. With all my strength, I pushed Hayley off me and straddled her, taking off my shirt and throwing it away in the room somewhere.

Hayley bit her lip and moaned at the sight if my newly exposed, tanned skin. She flipped us back and continued as she was before only this time going lower.

She looked at my bra and a groan of frustration escaped her lips. She reached behind me and ripped open the clasp, impatient was an understatement. She threw it on the floor and moved her hair to one side before leaning down.

I moaned and tangled my fingers in Hayley's hair. I figured she must be too overwhelmed by lust to really realize what she's doing.

I then begin to undress Hayley whilst she is still straddling me. First starting off with her t-shirt, I grab it at the bottom and pull it up and over her head slowly, my eyes watch her stomach as it gets uncovered, her perfectly toned stomach. Once Hayley’s shirt is pulled off, she is looking at me lustfully, biting her lip, which makes me eagerly take off her bra. Now it’s my turn to look at her and bite my lip.

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