Chapter 15-Marina

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Hai c: so this chapter has a really good ending. But next chapter is sad/amazing. I'm sorry but there has to be that one chapter that's emotional. Don't hate me! Oh and guess what? I'm sick:( Booo! I've been sick all week. First it started with me loosing my voice, now my nose is stuffy and im coughing etc. Hopefully i'll get better!

 The morning of our third day in L.A, I decided I would apologize to Louis and tell him he's the one and not Harry. So i got my striped shirt and jeans and made Louis' signature outfit. But when I saw Jordan in clothes she never wears, I coudn't help but give her a disapproving look.

 She was, of course, trying to impress Zayn. And I knew he wouldn't take her back if she's changing for him. I mean, he fell in love wth the real her right? So when Jordan asked why I was watching her, that's what I told her.

  Yes, I was hurt when she said Harry will never like me. You think I don't know that by now? But that's the last thing i'm worrying about. The only thing I'm focused on is Louis. Hopefully he'll take m apology. So I left my room and made my way to his, but then I saw Sarah. I still felt guilty about last night and I really wanted to apologize. So I took a deep breath and went up to her.

  "Sarah?" I said tapping her shoulder. She turned and gave me a small smile. "I'm really, really, really sorry about last night. I was jealous and angry and I let them get the best of me. I'm actually really happy for you and Harry. Please forgive me Sarah."

  Next thing you know she gives me a hug ad says "Of course I forgive you Marina! I know you didn't mean a word you said." Then we hear someone clapping. We broke apart and saw Paul standing outside his room.

  "Good job girls," he said, "No I'd hate to end this happy moment but please come into my room. I have some very important news." Sarah and I obeyed and we saw we were the first ones there.

  When everyone else arrived, Paul announced the bad news. I felt my heart crumble into a million piece. It can only be mended by Louis' forgiveness. When Paul dismissed us I followed Louis to his room and Sarah gave me a thumbs up, cheering me on. Inside, Louis got his suitcase and began packing. I just stood there next to him awkwardly. I was too nervous to say or do anything.

  "Did you want to help me pack?" asked Louis, snapping me back to reality. I nodded. "Okay, you can start by getting my things from the bathroom." He told me what they were and I went to go get them. I have to admit, I was pretty sad that he didn't join me like I thought he would. When I came back, he was on the phone.

  "Okay mum...I know, I know...Of course I do! It'll take alot of convincing to make me stop...Don't worry I will...Okay...Bye mum, love you!" Louis hung up and saw me with his things. "Sorry, I was on the phone with my mum." he blushed a little. "You can put those in here" he said pointing to an empty bag.

  As I was putting them in the bag, I started making some small talk. "Are you close with your mom?" I asked.

  Louis nodded. "I'm close to my whole family really, but if I chose one person then I guess it would be my mum." I nodded slowly not knowing what to say next. "What about you Marina?" he asked me.

  "Oh, um, I'm an only child and my parents are always working. But I guess I'm closer with my dad." I said. Since we broke the tension, I decided now was a good time to tell him. "Louis, can I talk to you?"

  He looked around the room to see if anyone was paying attention. When he saw the coast was clear, he nodded and I began.

  "I know I was a jerk last night. Especially to you. I know you like me Louis. It was obvious the day you taught me how to swim. Hearing me say that I like your best friend must have killed you, and I'm sorry for that. But I thought it over and I realized that I like you too. So all I'm asking for is your forgiveness."

  Louis sat down on his bed and patted the spot next to him, wanting me to sit with him. I knew I was in for a long speech. But coming from his voice, I honestly didn't care.

  "Marina," he said, putting his arm around me. "I've already forgiven you. So you're asking for something you already have. It's true though, I was upset by what you said, but I can't stay mad at you for more then five minutes. Or maybe less than that! Marina, you will always be my one and only girl."

  Louis gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He might be satisfied with his reply, which I was too, but I felt like an emotional wreck. I wanted to cry my eyes out. That was one of the nicest things he's ever said the me. Especially the last sentence. Louis always knows the right words to say.

  "And by the way," he said, "I told my mum about you the day we met. So when I told her about the tour last night, she called me today to make sure I didn't let you get away." I smiled at him. And with his arms around me, I felt safe.

"emotional wreck" HA! That just came out while I was typing, I didn't write that when I wrote this chapter! Anywho EVERYONE IS TOGETHER NOW! Which means the girls prevailed and they continued to be friends and end the love triangle. Both guys and girls had their up's and downs but STILL!

I ship Louina/Larina/Maris SO HARD! Comment which couple you ship! Niall narrates next but guys, seriously guys, the moment between Niall and Tori (nori?) is like...I cant...I just...SEE WHAT THIS FANDOM DOES TO YOU!

Cianna xo

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