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Your body as an anathema

I wish to be burdened by

Yet ethereal

You harbor arcane highs

A veil as gossamer

Covers your lips

As you say your goodbyes

Nearly a whisper

You move your hips

A sense of capitulation

And I've been hypnotized

So radiantly your skin glows

However dimmer

You speak with such asperity

So as I've become the sinner

But your heart grows vile

Tar seeps from your mouth

Cloyingly you smile

While for my hand you reach out

I pull away

But in my skin you crawl

So much so that I've forgotten you were poison at all

You are in my veins

But your facade fades away

Empyreal being with no name

I beg of you to dissimulate

Because you and I are the same

You are not my fate

I wish not to play your games

A plot so deep seeded in hell

The curtains draw back from the stage

I am trapped

Captivated by your undertones

Stuck in a time lapse

Your evil beckons me home.

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