Trust [Rihanna]

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November 20, 2018
Ritz Carlton-New York 7:30 pm


"You stay fucking with that other nigga, what the fuck yo" I said screaming at Robyn. Second  argument of the day. "No I'm not and furthermore; I wouldn't be around him if you would take me seriously" Robyn shouted back with anger filled eyes.

"I been told you I'm taking you seriously, you don't trust me, we've been at this for months Rih" I said to her side turned face. "Come on look at me" I said reaching my hand out to turn her head, "Don't touch me" she said glaring back at me. Holding my hands in an "ok" motion. I don't know what going on with us, one minute she's all lovey dovey and we're fine; then the next second she hates my guts and accusing me of cheating. But all she does is jump to conclusions, and starts hanging out with that Rocky nigga. She thinks I'm gonna do her like Chris did, but it's not like that I just need her trust but I'm far  far from that right now. Half of the time I don't even know where she gets these ideas from.

"I'm trying to communicate with you, I'm trying my best and giving  you 100%, why don't you trust me?"

She turns to me, looking up with a hard to read expression. "We've been dating for 2 years, we used to be tight Rob, but all we do now is fight.... and I'm trying but you're making it hard for me-" Before I can finish she cuts me off "I'm making it hard for you!!!-"

"See this is the problem, can I finish, before you start yelling?" She looks at me silently before nodding.
"You gotta understand where I'm coming from, you say you don't trust me and I'm not taking you seriously, but all I hear from you is Rocky this and Rocky that; how you think that makes me feel? all of our fights start with him" I sigh, "We can be good one day and then they next day we argue so much. I just wanna know what's the problem?" I look at her with pleading eyes.

Her face softens "You're right, I'm sorry I don't know what's gotten into me; I should trust you, I love you I honestly do" she wraps her arms around my neck, smiling back up at me. It's always something about that smile that always has me melting into her arms. "I'm sorry baby, can I get a kiss and make it up to you" she says puckering her lips. I'm resistant at first but I give in and finally kiss her, it still feels like the first time. The first time we kissed it felt like fireworks. I knew right there I was gonna love her fast.

Something told me Rocky was tryna fuck up our relationship, but I trusted her and she trusted me know matter what she said, I know she did . But I should've listened to the feeling.

December 31st, 2018

I was back in New York City, my hometown, well I guess home city but same fucking shit. I ended my last show of tour with Drake yesterday, and I promised his ass I would stay a few days to Celebrate New Years. Even though I wanted to spend it with Rob, she said it was fine cause she was gonna just go to a club with Melissa. After our last argument she was more chill and decided she would stop hanging with Rocky since he was the problem in our relationship.

"Hey Y/nn take a hit" Drake said passing the blunt. He wanted to pregame real quick before we hit the club. As I went to go take a hit I realized that the mouth of the blunt was wet. "Damn nigga you got a wet ass mouth, pass the lighter" he chuckled as he passed the lighter. "Shit ain't funny dickhead" I said while heating the mouth with the lighter to make it dry. I took a hit as I started to relax in the car.

We finished the blunt as my driver/security told us that we were at the club.

"Thanks Ricky" I said with a slight grin

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