Announcing [Ally Brooke]

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I was on tour with the girls of Fifth Harmony. If your wondering it's not because I'm one of the opening acts, I can't even sing for shit. I was on tour because of my girlfriend , Ally Brooke. We've been dating for 3 years now. I wanted to be out here to support her and spend time with her, because in all honesty I don't think I can spend that much time away from her she's got me whipped as fuck.

Right now I was in the girls dressing room cuddling with Ally while watching some show on her phone ,while the rest of them were doing other things, waiting for their set to start. While I was staring into nowhere I noticed that Ally started looking at me.

"Yes babe" I said.

"Your not even watching the show" she said so cutely back. I smile at her and said "Because the show is boring like what that fuck is it about anyways" she smacked my arm and said "Don't disrespect Grey's Anatomy like that if anything here is boring it's you, damn loser". I looked at her with sad eyes "Awww you can't be doing that baby, now I feel bad for what I said" then she kissed me making me smile. "Ewwwww stop being so cute and shit" said Lauren and Dinah.

"Hey fuck off leave me and my baby alone" I said to them while holding ally close. They rolled their eyes and continued to what they were doing. I looked back at Ally and she was staring back at me. I looked at her in confusion and said "What happened babe".

She looked at me and said "I think I'm ready to tell our fans that we're dating". I looked at her in shock. I've brought this up multiple times but she said, she wasn't ready to be out in the open like that so I just let it go, but now she is ready to tell our fans I'm so excited.

I go and hug her tight and kiss her her deeply and say " Yes babe I would love that." She says to me "Great because I want to do it tonight" I say "Sure babe I'm ready when you're ready". As she was about to respond to me, a stage hand comes in and tell, the girls their on in five minutes.

I get up and help ally up and walk out the door with her. While she's getting set up to go on stage I can't help it but to cheese at her, I can't believe she's ready to tell the fans about us. She smiles back at me and says "yes y/n what's wrong" and I continue to smile at her and say "nothing I'm just happy".

She gets done getting set up and walks over to me and pecks my lips and says "you damn dork" I say back to her "but I'm your dork" then she says "isn't that right" and I nod back to her while staring in her eyes.

The stage hand flags the girls over to the side stage as a signal that it's their time to get on and Ally lets go of me, and says "See you out there" and winks at me, I smile bashfully and I nod and peck her lips.

*Fast forward*

While I was watching the girls sing I hear the music shut off , then I hear Ally's voice through the speakers.

"Guys I want you all to know something... I've been so happy these past three years with everything that has happened, with the girls, making music, and one last thing that takes up the majority of my happiness, the person that makes my day bright even when it's a bad one, the person that I know will always be by my side through thick and thin, the person I want to wake up next to everyday for the rest of my life.... my boyfriend."

As the crowd roars loud at Ally's news I start smiling. She calls me up "Y/N can you come up here please". I go up on the stage with a big ass grin while looking at the crowd. I walk up to Ally and kiss her as the crowd grows louder and louder if that's even possible. I peck Ally's lips one more time and put our foreheads together and smile at her. I really love this girl.

I looked back at the crowd as Ally speaks again but to me her words become muffled as I just continue to stare at her with this huge ass smile that I've been having for three years now. I start thinking how everything has changed, how she has changed me, I remember I was a fuckboy, but then she came into my life and everything changed. I know I will always be by her side no matter what.

I'm in love with this girl.


I've been gone for a long ass time but I'm back as you can see 🙃

Shoutout to Im_that_dumbass for giving me this request

I'm taking every single request you guys have

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Love you guys 🥰

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