chapter 1: daggers

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Jade Harley came from a long line of witches and sorcerers. She lived alone in a cottage in the woods, hidden away from the royals and villagers who had been hunting her family for centuries. When she was a little girl they killed her grandfather, who had been raising her and teaching her the ways of magic. She was now 20 years of age, and the only remaining witch in the entire kingdom. The royals were set on finding and killing her, but still had no luck with finding the location of her cottage. Each day her power grew, and she became stronger as the years went by. One morning she was outside getting raspberries from her garden, when she heard a noise in the woods. She looked around, readying herself for whatever was coming her way.

Dave was pretty sick of his royal class life, being handed everything on a silver platter, people tripping over their own feet for him. He hated it, feeling so above everyone else. Even as the younger brother to the first prince, he hardly wanted to call himself a prince, let alone be related to one. Though when there was talk in the royal court about a recent hunt for a witch in the woods, he wasn't about to partake in that. He had to warn this witch. He would rather die himself than watch another unfair slaughter. So he ran one night, climbing out his window with a sword at his hip and a cloak around his shoulders, running himself into the woods. It was only the morning after had he found any sign of another living being, coming through a bustle of bushes. There stood Dave, hood down and exhausted. He squinted his eyes, catching wind of Jade before they widened.

The bright red in them was hard to mistake, the strange colour a mark of royal blood. He took a few steps forward. "Hey- fuck, um.. Good morning. You- you wouldn't happen to know a witch that lives in these woods, would you?"

Her breath hitched as she realized who he was. He was obviously royalty, and she needed to protect herself "Why do you want to know? You're just another royal coming to slaughter her." She pulled out her dagger, holding it steadily in her hand as her other hand shook.

She pulled her hood down, staring at the guy in front of her "How did you find this cottage?"

Dave stopped dead in his tracks, his hands coming up in surrender immediately. "Whoa, hold on!" he froze, standing as still as he could. He was still dressed in relatively fancy clothing under his cloak, defined by the gold detailing. "I'm not here for blood, i promise. I'm here to protect her. I've been wandering all night by foot, frankly I'm lucky I found you." he placed a hand to his chest. "I don't want anymore bloodshed, if you don't mind passing on a message to her- a warning, actually." he gulped a bit.

~ end of chapter 1 ~

Hiya! I don't know if this is even gonna get reads, but if you do read it I hope you enjoy

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