Chapter Twenty Nine- A Book

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049 paced within his cell as he thought on recent events. His mind felt bruised as his head often throb now in pain. It was beginning to become distracting when he operated and 049 found he now need to find a treament in order to dull it. Raven had been quiet around him sense she had witnessed his punishment. 049 had tired to assured Raven several times he was generally well and she was worring needlessly over past events. Sighing he sat down on his cot and ate a single dry cracker hoping to right his thoughts. They had spent Christmas together, exchanging gifts and indulging in food Raven had painstakingly made herself. She had even surprised him with an additional patient, and they operated together in the morning with much success. The day was satisfying and peaceful, something 049 rarely enjoyed before she was in his life. In honesty 049 was beginning to look forward and even miss when they did not occur. Raven seem to be also giving him a feeling of contentment as of late, something 049 was not use to. It made his spirt feel renewed and focused. Raven was still too afaird to sleep alone, even two weeks after the fact, even after his treament. 049 of course was only to happy to provide her with the comfort she required as it also meant positive result for his work. However he also found a certain pride in making her feel safe as he watched over her sleeping form, pride that his was his bed she choose to lay in that had nothing to do with his cure. 049 lay on his back and closed his eyes needed a moment to rest and right his tired mind. Laying his hands neatly on his abdomen, he tried to relax. He seen three patients today much more then he had become use to. Dr.Itkin claimed the increase was compensation for undue suffering, 049 did not argue. His notes now were finished and drawings complete. Tomorrow Raven would be working with him, her touch was need to further his research as he once more was at an impass. Ravens touched from her soft small delicate hands. 049 shifted as he imagined Raven pressed into him, those lovely hands moving down his body and tracing his memeber within his leather.  Such passionate thoughts were uncharacteristic of the great doctor of Alagadda. 049 did not with all his boundless knowledge know why he seemed to crave her constantly. Though his kind had tossed away any semblance of mercy or love, kindness or compassion, 049 was however different. He was more of what his people use to be, but the cost to him was great. 049 had accepted suffering, it was as normal as breathing. Raven though had given him a taste of something more, something 049 believed he was not meant for. He could hear her whispering to him, feel her lips atop his. 049 felt a soft groan leave his chest as his entire body warmed. Embarrassment flooded him as he sat up rapidly, his hand covering his mouth.
       "049?" Dr. Bright called.
        "You heard nothing." 049 snapped. Dr. Bright looked at him throughly confused, brow knitted. Then broke out in a smile typical of his name sake.
       "Having fun were we?" Dr.Bright asked
       "I do not know what you mean." 049 said his stance ridged.
       "Playing with your little 049?" Dr.Bright replied. "Weren't ya." 049 cocked his head side ways it was his turn to be completely perplexed. Dr.Bright laughed until he choked, "So I got the books you asked Raven for. She apologizes that she could not do it herself. She has something she needs to take care of."
       "Ah yes thank you doctor. Might I ask is Raven well today?" 049 said.
       "Fuck no." Bright said sitting down. "No one who dose this job is well in anyway. We just learn to cope."
      "I see." 049 said sighing. "I am afraid I have never understood emotion well."
     "No shit Sherlock." Bright replied. "Raven will be fine she just needs time. She cares about you 049. Like she wants to kick some Kingly ass level of care." Bright answer putting his feet up on the desk. 
     "That would be ill advised but I am touched her feelings are unyielding." 049 said smiling.
      "You seem alittle on edge lately 049." Bright said smiling wickedly. "In need of some private time with Raven are we?" 049 stiffened and narrowed his eyes,
      "I am sure I know not what you mean." 049 replied waving off the words. "If you may, the reasearch materials."
      "Sure, sure." Bright said getting up. 049 silently headed for the yellow circle once there Dr.Bright placed them on his operating table and headed out. Once the door shut 049 went over egarly and began to go threw them when a loose paper fell on the floor. 049 knelt down and pick it up curiosity getting the better of him and he unfolded the paper. 049 hand shook as his body burned, it was a hand drawn picture of himself and Raven intwined in passion. 049 swallowed thickly as he closed it quickly a dull ache settled with in core as he stood. He tucked the picture with in this robes promptly not wanting another to see such a thing. "Agatha got talent huh 049?" Dr.Bright said with a knowing smile. 049 felt a deep blush touch his face at the thought of others seeing it, of someone he knew of drawing it.
          "I do not know what you mean." He said cursing the way his voice shook slightly.
Trying to forgot what he saw he grab one of the books Dr.Bright had just left. It however look fairly odd, the cover was blank not even a title or author. "Strange." 049 said as he held up the small book. Opening it he finally saw a title Fifty Shades of Grey. Odd he thought perhaps it was on the human eye and visual perception. 049 flipped threw egar to see if there were any diagrams he may look at in further detail. Unknow to him Dr.Bright was laughing so hard he could barely breath, especially as it dawned on him this book was not on the human eye.

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