Chapter Twenty Seven: The Price of Treason

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WARNING ⚠️ This chapter contains torture, dark themes, and rape. This is not a nice chapter.

        049 was in your cell sitting quietly on your bed. You were in the bathroom so nervous you felt like vomiting. Your tendrils cooed sweetly trying to give you reassurance. Medical was on stand by, as well as the psychology department. Taking a deep breath you step out into your room. 049 lived threw this, and he had over come it. You were not him however, you were not hundreds if not thousands of years old. You were just Raven, and yes you had gone threw shit but nothing could compare to the depravity of Alagadda and the cruelty of the Ambassador. You look apon your lover and feel an ache in your chest, how was this man still so calm and collected. You stood before him golden eyes soft and gentle, as his grey eyes gaze upon you.
      "Are you ready my dear?" 049 said. You shake your head and crawl into his lap wrapping your arms around his neck. He hesitates for a moment before hugging you back tighly. You kiss his beak trembling as your tendrils hoo methodically trying to relax you both.
    "You must relax." 049 said gently.
     "I am trying." You say. You felt horrible how was he so calm and you were freaking out.
    "Might I try?" 049 asked. You nod welcoming a distraction, when his lips touch yours tentively, brushing them longingly. It was as if it was your first kiss once more, as he waited for your permission. You gave it sweetly this time, the kiss a silent declaration as a tender sigh left your lips only to be consumed by his. Your spine tingled as the very air seem to lament in this moment.
       "Ready?" 049 asked. You nod bitting your lip, tears falling.
      "Show me what happened during the great betrayal." You say aloud. The sound of wing beats filled the air as your tendrils hovered before 049, for a brief moment you swear you can see anguish in his eyes. Fimilar white wisps are drawn from him as he wavers momentarily weakened from the act. Three were taken in total before your tendrils pull away.
     "It is done then?" 049 asks.
     "Yes." You reply. You feel light head as the world seems to blurr. 049 held you against his chest,
      "I am here my Raven." 049 said. Your eyes are so heavy you can't help it as your body fell limp in 049 arms.

     You steel yourself as you open your eyes, your on the ceiling in 049 study. The books look worn, the bindings show signs of extream wear. Loose pages stuck out and thick layer of dust covered them. It was almost as if he had forgotten this place, but the black clocked figure writing maniacally told you differently. Breifly you wonder if he just no longer need them, if he already knew all these tomes had to teach. However so much knowledge with in a single mind seemed impossible. You walked down the wall slowly your eyes never leaving his figure. Out of his cloak grew feathers of the darkest midnight, of the deepest void. The symphony of voices seemed at bay behind the large doors, it was quite here, no music, no merriment. He was seeled away from his own world, lost in a search that was slowly driving him mad. You can see his writing is barely legible. In a way it makes you smile, typical doctor you think. Standing 049 takes his book with him going to a large table he mixes a few ingredients together. The smell was bitter, then overwhelming floral. Walking toward a masked patient tied to a bed he operates consulting his writings may times. The creature withers and cried behind its gag mouth. Finally it lays still,
      "Do not worry good sir your suffering shall not be in vain for I am the cure." He muttered.
049 injects a medication directly into it's heart before sewning up it with amazing skill. Your eyes widen in amazement as the patient sits up and it's mask falls off shattering as it hits the floor. The face underneath is loathsome, large gashes and chunks of missing flesh, a slit throat completes the gruesome picture. 049 injects a golden concoction into the the base of their skull then steps back. You cover your mouth as the wounds begin to heal, and life is restored to the blank empty eyes. Then a finally needle in their neck and the person spoke.
      "Doctor?" The hoarse voice said
      "How do you feel." 049 asked a smile touching his eyes.
      "Confused as to what has happened." They said. You could feel nothing but utter joy to know it work and the cure was real! You ran to the open book on the table but all the pages were blurred now, completely obscured by a haze. You look over at 049 who is taking the man vitals then back at the book. The sudden realization hit you, his mind was too fragmented to remember.
     "Damn it." Is the only words you can muster in your pure fustration. Tears prick your eye as you try frantically to remember the herbs he had used, the colour and smell of the injection anything, anything at all that would help him.
      "I do not remember good doctor." The person said softly. "Just darkness and a voice."
     "I see, do not worry it soon shall be an unpleasant memory." 049 said. A click of heels whispered apon the air, signaling the Ambassador coming. 049 body tensed visibly, "listen to me you must to hide and remain silent. Something is coming that wishes to do you a great deal of harm."
     "Doctor?" They said trembling in fear. 049 quickly escorted them into a cabinet before injecting them with what you guessed was a sedititive. Closing the doors he hurried back to his book putting it away. It was then the click of heels become louder echoing off the walls, sending a chill down your spine. 049 was crushing up something that you ignored your eyes fixed on the door. The doors open and the Ambassadors large thin hands gripped the frame as it bowed its head in order to enter.
    "Hello doctor." The Ambassadors voice echoed in your mind.
    "Good day." 049 said. "Progress is coming well."
    "Oh is it." The Ambassador asked. It moved about the room its featureless face cocking quickly and jarringly from side to side. "You seemed flushed doctor."
     "Just a spell of denial." 049 shrugged. The Ambassador head lent in, it's neck sickly stretching.
     "You stink of fear." It hissed in ecstasy. "Lovely, and sour." You cover your mouth and take deep breaths, panic was threatening to overwhelm you. 049 ignored the comment, before pouring the mixture into a bowl of water.
        "Is their something I can help you with Ambassador?" 049 asks. You can feel his unease, his guts wrenching in dread.
       "Not yet." It said with relished sadistic glee, "The King hoverever calls for you."
       "I see." 049 said, "Allow me to gather my things."
       "Of course take your time." The being said dragging a long clawed finger over 049 back. "I enjoy watching you." A powerful disgusted shiver moves through out as you twist your head away.
      "I am ready." 049 said, "please do lead the way." The Ambassador moved slowly each step drawn out. You easily followed; past twisted halls of decadence, room of the most extremes excess and dark places full of utter depravity. Until you find the things around you have begun to lose their luster, and somehow you are outside once more. The gorgeous buildings of Alagadda once grand stood in utter ruin, the very air chocking you as the stench of death hung about it. It was silence no orchestra of voices just a heavy complete silence. It was in the middle of the cursed place where the fountain once stood, was nothing but a black hole. 049 without hesitation walked in and you followed trying not to over think what lay beyond. You found yourself falling, endless falling through time and stars until your feet landed on soild matter and the darkness clung to your skin. You follow the sound of heels and gasp, there apon a throne of agony and maddness was the Hanged King.
    "Oh my God." You whisper covering your mouth.  049 took a knee his form bowing before the thing apon the throne. Imps moved around the Kings body as it twitched and spasmed seeming to both hate and crave their foul touches. The ragged cloak that wrapped around it's husk of a body, whisper of rotten grandeur lost to corruption.
     "What is it you wish of me." 049 said. From under the viel a raspy moan came as it's desiccated hands gripped the thrones arms. The spikes that pirced its body somehow still caused the wounds to sputter fresh hot blood,  the imps lapping it up egarly.
      "The King wishes to thank you for your work." The Ambassador said. "He asks you stay awhile so he may enjoy your company."
      "Of course." 049 said. A stain catches your eyes, right in front of throne along with a dented cup that lay frozen and rusted. 049 stands and walks beside the King saying nothing.
     "The King wishes you stand before him." The Ambassador said. "And enjoy a meal." 049 wordless obeyed, his grey eyes cold.
     "Ah my love joining us I see." 035 says flipping into the room. "My friend, my King!" 035 calls, then prostates himself before the throne. 049 looked away the sight disgusting him.
      "It seems doctor, you have been distracted of late." The Ambassador said sweetly a goblet of wine appearing in his hand.
     "The Carnevale has brought much noise to my study." 049 said waving dismissively. "I assure you my attention remains stead fast."
     "Lair." The Kings crack hoarse voice calls rage unbound. You tremble in utter fear as the viel covering his face lightly moves. The Kings then screams a broken pathetic noise of a torment as his body thrashed weakly. The imps grinning in glee as they provided comfort, only to then give pain twice fold. You could sense 049 fear, feel his heart beating widely in his chest.
   "Do not accuse me of such a thing." 049 said his voice calm and even. "Without proof." The Ambassador laughed his voice making the crumbling room tremble.
   "Perhaps doctor you shall submit now and enjoy what is to come." The Ambassador said. "I have always been fond of you, of your wonderful mind."
   "Never." 049 said sternly, "I have done nothing worthy of a confession."
    "A glutton of punishment?" 035 giggled. "A whore for affliction!"
  "Punishment!" A being cried it's voice wet and gurgled. It made your stomach turn and your insides twist. The creature was the most vile colour of sickly yellow, it's porcelain mouth curled into a hateful sneer. "Delightful."
Bits of cloted black red blood and puss flying from it's snarled lips. The smell oh by everything, that smell. 049 demenour did not change he merely shock his head in disappointment. The creature drapped in the purest white, eyes and mouth not but a thin line floated forward and gently patted the doctor on the head.
      "Dear doctor denying yourself, hiding from us such truths." The being said. "How I will delight in you and your suffering."
     "By doing this you only take me away from my work." 049 said still calm, still indifferent.
     "Perhaps doctor you should not keep secrets." 035 said standing on his head.
     "Bastard!' You scream. "You fucking bastard! You kept them too!"
The Ambassador grabbed 049 head in it's enormous hands purring in its throat.
     "Beg sweetly doctor. Plead for salvation."
It grabbed the beak of 049 mask and began to pull. The sound of rendering bone and wet crackle coupled with 049 howls made you cover your ears.
     "Leaving him alone!" You cry in vain running toward the vile being. You can hear and see pieces of it breaking off as 049 struggles violently but it matter not. In a finally brutal pull the Ambassador tore the beak off crushing it in his hands.
      "Such wonderous pain!" The yellow creature sputtered "such beauty!" 035 was silent still sitting on his head his frown a smile his smile a frown. The Ambassador raised 049 up inches from it's black face.
    "Doctor" It hummed. "So graceful in your agony." Large hooked black tendrils ripped away 049 robe as bits of blood and flesh went with it. 049 body was a a deep ashen grey, that deepened to black on his hands and face.
     "Release me at once!" 049 yelled. The Ambassador merely grabbed 049 between his legs it's featureless face rubbing into 049's cheek
   "How long has it been now." The Ambassador asked. "Since you indulged, sense you have tasted the sweetness Alagadda has to offer you. Sense you have tasted ecstasy" 049 eyes moved away embarrassed, you could not help but feel burning anger raise up inside your mind.
     "Get away from me." 049 spat his white gleaming fangs on full display as he struggled against the unwanted fondling touch.
    "Do be good and scream for me." The Ambassador said.  049 core was suddenly  crushed, caving in atop broken ribs that poked out in painful angles.  049 screamed threw his teeth, as the Ambassador moaned in deep pleasure. The white and yellow being were losing themselves in lust as they watched 049 with longing. 049 diaphragm struggled to allow him to breath, as he was dropped onto the stone floor. His head hit the floor hard cracking his mask under his left eye. Its tentacles assaulted him lashing his body viscously while pulling at his pants and boots. 049 gave an angry snarl as he frantically tried to get away, blood already seeping from open wounds. As his body lay bare to all present as he frantically tired to hide his shame. It was them as his legs were ripped open you remember something 049 said once.
     "Gender is but a fluid thing born out of desire."  You watched as his body changed flashing threw sexual organs before resting on none to speak of.
    "Yes fight me...struggle." the Ambassador said. "I shall mold you. Carve my own entrance." 049 body responded as he twisted about clearly fighting the Ambassadors control. His lower body shifted as he became female, embarrassment flushed in his face as he tried to cover himself. With a snarl he changed back into male. He trembled exshausted by the use of engery, as he was dragged to the middle of the room. A single thick tentacle was shoved deep into his mouth as he gaged heavily. You watch horrified as his stomach bulged and moved, the outline of the massive tentacles seen pushing against his skin. 049 drooled around the massive thing as he tried to breath. His hands held out beside him by two others.
      "Confess love." 035 said. "We are forgiving." A sour taste fills your mouth at those words, as well as an urge to rip his throat out. 049 closed his eyes as the tentacle moved in and out of him quickly. A sigh filled your head by the Ambassador as it ripped the tentacle out of 049 throat, a foul fluid left in it's wake. 049 entire body lurched as it gushed from his mouth, snot, black tears and blood streaking his face and mask. His lips turn blue and his eyes roll back in his head as he tries to expel a never ending stream. You run toward him as more fluid was ejected from his mouth but again your hands fall threw him. You slamed your hands down desperately crying.
     "Damn it breath!" You call out. "Please 049 breath!" The Ambassador lifts him up by his leg and strikes his stomach  049 vomits again,  blood and bile mixed with its corrupt seed spilling on to the ground. It was then everything skipped like a tape watched one to many time before it settled to be viewed. 049 memory was too fragmented, too fragile it was barely holding on as you watched. You gagged as a black slimy, thick tentacle dragged threw the foul puddle beneath 049. You knew what would happen, but it hurts your heart no less. 049 said nothing as it ran its appendage over his entrance teasing him with a promise of pain. It seemed to be waiting for 049 to consider what was about to happen. Then suddenly it cruelly violated him, taring him open as it rammed into him and filled bowls. Even as blood ran down over him from his ruined hole 049 remained silent his face contorted in agony. 049 eyes were numb, his mind gone somewhere else, his body but a shell is all that remained. The Ambassador screamed angly before throwing 049 on the steps. Clearly the creature was not getting what it wished.
      "Confess." The Ambassador said. 049 laughed weezing, and gasping
      "Never." He declared.
      "I shall leave you to their whims." It said to the others. "Bring to me what is left." It's heels clicked as it faded away. The white being was first as it floated toward 049 it's delicate white claws drawing over the doctors body longingly. 
     "Oh Doctor you could have been so powerful." It said. 049 slapped the hands away,
     "Do not touch me." 049 spat struggling to breath.
     "Now now," 035 said tumbling down. "My...dear.." 035 long black tongue licked at the blood dripping still from his ruined mask. A white then yellow tongue joining as they all groaned in pleasure.
      You snap awake with a scream, strong arms holding you. The scent of spices and books grounding you.
     "You are safe." 049 said.
     "I saw it." You cry. "Your crue, the Pestilence. You found it!"
     "Tell me, with haste." 049 said.
     "I can't...fragmented...blurry." You slurred.
      "Fight it you must tell me." 049 said his voice paniced.
      "Okay...yes." You groan.  You force yourself to ramble threw the apperance of the herbs. The smells of the room and the colours of the injections until your words barely made sense. Soon however the pull is just too strong and you fall back. 049 grey eyes filled with desperation are the last things you see.

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