Chapter 25- Tied Up

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The spring of 1999 was a season of revelations.

I was settling back into the rhythm of sound, taking in as much as possible: the record player in the common room, the fights in the Great Hall, the whispers of lovers in corners—everything I had missed.

It was also hard to believe how much I missed talking with my friends. I tried to explain as best I could, leaving out anything that could incriminate Ginny or expose my relationship. No one was more thrilled than Ron that he didn't have to learn sign language; no one was more thrilled than Ron that Ginny and I were on speaking terms again.

To put it bluntly, Ron's views on love are dense at best and hormonal at worst. I would catch him throwing me side glances and winks whenever Ginny and I would talk. Ron knows I like a guy; well, at least, he knows I did at one point. But whatever he thinks my sexuality is, he will always believe my becoming his brother will prevail.

How do you tell your best friend your childhood fantasies aren't possible anymore?

More importantly, how do you tell your best friend that you've gone into the middle of a centuries-long blood feud?

I tried mentioning these fears to Draco, whose response was to wait until the time presented itself.

The time presented itself two days before spring break. I am nothing if not timely.

It was the first warm day of the season, and everyone was using the opportunity to bask in the last days before exam season. I planned to do the same; I had no intention of going outside.

At breakfast that morning, I tuned out Ron and Hermione, talking about some sort of date idea for lunch. Ron also seemed less than interested in the conversation, spilling porridge onto his new copy of Quidditch Weekly. I liked being able to tune them out again; I liked the choice.

Bored out of my mind, Draco caught my eye from down the table. He looked around quickly before inclining his head toward the doorway. I took the hint and told my friends I would see them later. See, I had studying to attend to. Obviously.

When I reached the dorm, Draco was already there. He was leaning against the nearest bedframe, one leg propped and picking at his fingers. The door clicked shut, but I still had to get his attention by walking over. When my shadow was visible, he looked up. He was dressed in a school uniform, and his hair brushed back as usual. He looked ravishing.

And then he spoke. His voice is scratchy as if he's always just woken up. It's becoming my favorite sound. "Thank fucking god," he breathed.

Before I could reply, he wrapped a hand around my tie, fingers laced with red and gold. Our lips smashed together in what was more teeth than anything at first, catching me off balance. I stumbled back a step, and Draco took the opportunity to push me an extra three steps to the door.

I felt my back press against the hardwood, causing me to stifle a moan, raking my fingers through his hair. As I felt his knee begin to slide into an oh-so-perfect position, I quickly shot my eyes open. In a hurry, I yanked at Draco's tie and began to loosen it as he began to nip at my neck. I lightly tapped at his chest, and he leaned back, allowing me to slip the tie from his neck.

See, my mates and I devised a system for handling delicate situations (like having it off in a communal dorm). A tie on the door knob is a sign of zero entry. Draco looked utterly confused as I slipped the tie onto the knob, but he quickly went back to his more official duties.

After a few minutes of solid snogging, my arse was beginning to feel extremely sore, and not in a good way. Grabbing Draco by the collar, I began to walk towards my bed, unbuttoning the top few buttons as best I could before pushing him down. Contrary to what he may believe, he looked absolutely tantalizing, surrounded by Gryffindor red.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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