Chapter 15- Forbidden Findings

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I am posting this before getting to my computer so apologies for all of the bad grammar/spelling.

Hogsmede didn't go nearly as planned.

After they insisted on changing the original groups, they also didn't sit together at lunch, so I sat with Ron and Hermione instead.

Apparently, Blaise is extremely quiet, according to Ron which isn't saying much, and the only thing they had in common was quidditch which caused a very lengthy conversation. His main takeaway from the encounter was that his mom had had just as many husbands as he has siblings. Let's just say Ron didn't hate this conversation.

Hermione on the other hand had a bit more difficult time. Apparently, she had something to ask him and he kept blowing her off. He did try and apologize to her, but she said that it would take sometime before she was ready to do that. Then they got in an argument about something in a book and the rest of the day was silent. She said that was the best part.

Overall, I think yesterday could have gone much worse so I was in high hopes on my way down to the library that night.

When I found Draco he was surrounded by books thrown onto the floor. He seemed stressed about something.

I tapped his shoulder, "Uh, you ok?" I ask while looking at his pile.

"No! This is pointless. We've looked through almost all of the books in this bloody library and still nothing." He collapsed into a seated position and leaned against the shelves. I took out my wand and cast all of the books back to their places.

"We could always check the registry to see where they are..." His eyes widened, why hadn't we thought of that yet?

"For the first time, that was a brilliant idea." He stood up and brushed off his pants. It was the first time I got a look at him, and I hate to say it, but damn he looked good. "Come on then."

Before I knew it, the candle was blown out, and I felt someone grab my hand. Draco pulled me towards the back room of the library with only a wand for light. If I wasn't aware that the book registry was in there I might have been slightly concerned.

I got a weird sense of déjà vu from the other time he had done this except this time was different. This time he didn't let go, and I found I didn't mind.

We had to be careful because the backroom doubled as sleeping quarters for Madam Pince.

He looked over to me, "Where do you think-" He put a finger to my lips and mouthed be quiet. Pointing towards a desk in the corner of the room he pulled me in a slow tip-toe.

Once we were there he let go of my hand and began unlocking the desk. I wiped my sweaty palm onto my trousers and tried to look useful.

He plopped a large book onto the desk and muttered something. It flipped open to a section that had medical reference books listed. "I knew it." He signed lazily.

"What is it?" He gestured to the middle of the page. There were the books we had been searching for, all in a row, all checked out on the same day by the same person. "We kinda already knew this though..."

"I know, this just proves it. Can you find Mr. A on your map? He should be leaving school anytime now if he's stuck to his sundown schedule."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the map. After looking around I saw him walking towards the front entrance. "Hey, that was weird." I looked up to Draco.

"What? Where is he?"

I shook my head. "He went to the forbidden forest. The strange thing was how fast he got there."

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