Fugly Frogs-0, prissy Pigs -2

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(Y'all know the deal, this is part two of the thanksgiving thing richies perspective- aj)

I watched the angry mike walk away from whatever just happened I couldn't help but laugh, finally recess was over. I was chatting to Beverly and my new unlikely friend bowers about how strange it was to have gym as a last class on thanksgiving, right after lunch.

We made our way to the gym which was always hot and sometimes smelled bad but nevertheless we began to get lined up, and released for changing into our gym clothes. I noticed Eddie was standing back, he was red and seemed awkward. And like he was trying to not look at any other guys, weird. I ignored it and grabbed my old shirt stuffing it into my gym bag then we went back to the gym where we learned we were playing dodge ball, we stood on either sides of the gym. Quickly I ran and grabbed a ball throwing it at Beverly since we were separated by girls and guys, she laughed and dodged it being the athletic idiot she was then tried to hit me but I dodged by tripping over my shoe lace, which I planned to do. Suddenly I heard "eat my rubber frog face!!" He turned to see that short girl, I think her name was nana aiming the ball at me, I grinned "bring it on! Ya prissy pig!" I yelled back she threw the ball I caught it, I was preparing to throw the ball as hard as I could back at her, then BAM I got hit so hard by a ball I fell over, finally I looked around to see just what happened. There stood Eddie "oh? Did I do that? Sorry" he said and laughed, half the guys laughed and the other half seemed annoyed. But it's whatever, I won't let him bother me, after gym and we got home mike and I took showers and noticed the strong smell of beer and cigarettes. "Dad?" Mike asked, looking around I went and grabbed whatever food we still had in the fridge, it was an empty bottle of ketchup and a jar of sliced pickles. I'll take the pickles, I turned around "did you find dad?" I asked, mike shook his head then yelled out as dad came out of nowhere yelling "BOO!!!" I nearly passed out! "Dad!!" I yelled aswell as mike at the same time, he laughed "sorry sorry, I just had to, now get ready we're going out to eat for thanks giving."

{time skip}

Finally we got there, happily we ate. I got a sandwich and fries mike just wanted fries and chicken nuggets, dad didn't order anything..he said he wasn't hungry..but of course we shared our food with him. After all he's our dad, on tv there were happy families together eating dinner and laughing. Dad was watching aswell, I could tell he wasn't Happy, he was stressed. We both could. After we got home we all watched tv we had one of those old ones, that used Antennas. Dad drank a beer, we may not have much but I'm happy where I am. I wouldn't ever want to trade it for a thing.

(Heh y'all I had to cut this short, if I wanted to get it out today, so now I've decided I will upload regularly every Wednesday! And maybe Friday's, I had to get it out today or it would've been weird anyways thanks for waiting luv y'all bye~aj)

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