The not so new kid

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(Little note too thank you all for reading! Sorry the chapters take so long for me too post and make I'm pretty lazy! But I'm always thinking of ideas for the story! Anyways, have fun reading - Aj)

{ Richards point of view (dad) }
I woke up too cold water being splashed onto me, which is never a good feeling when first waking up, I jolted up immediately rubbing my eyes "what?! what!?" I asked panicked. I look over too see mike angrily staring at me, he looked so much like his mother. "We are going too be late if you continue too sleep like this! I'd rather not be late on our first day of second grade." I nodded "yeah yeah I hear you, but Is pouring water on me really necessary?" I watched as he nodded and walked out, standing I stretched out yawning softly then made my way into the kitchen too get a quick can of beer for the morning. It always woke me up when I knew coffee wouldn't. Looking over at Richie's ridicules choice of a tuxedo for a first day of school outfit I shook my head "no no go change you're not wearing that" I said too which Richie responded "what? What's wrong with this? I think I look good" mike chimes in "where are you going? A wedding or school" Richie shot back "shut up turtle neck" I laughed at their arguing, it reminded me of when I was younger with my brother's. I really miss them, sadly they all passed away. "Alright alright. Go change Richie,'re fine go find something too do" Richie put his arms up in defense then walked too his room grumbling, I watched "you'll thank me when you're older!" I yelled mike began making him and Richie some toast with avocado on it, which I then remembered I forgot too make them lunch "shit uh, mike here's some lunch money" mike looked at me "you forgot too make lunch again?" I nodded. Sad thing is I can't tell who's the dad and who's the kid, seems he's more adult like then I am. I watched as he walked over and grabbed him and Richie's lunch boxes out the fridge "I made us some just in case. You always forget on Monday's." I face palmed "Jesus..thanks a lot mike, wait I do?" Mike nodded waking into the living room, I turned beginning too Search for my keys in my coat pocket, I then looked over finding them on the key rack once Richie had finally came back out from his room, he wore a shirt with A clown on it (IT tease) his largely dorky glasses that I've told him many times too throw away, since they were mine first they were old and had thick (thicc) lenses. Making his eyes comically large. But for some reason he kept them, he said it just 'felt right too wear them' I choose too let my kids express themselves any way they want. Even if I don't like it, plus, they're just glasses. He also wore black pants his curls finally retaliating against the hairsprays+ gel he put it in, his curls pop-ing up left and right. I called him over just too ruffle his hair, too which he annoyedly moved my arm "Ah! I worked so hard on my hair why'd you mess it up" he asked whining, I smiled "you're curls are..what Do you kids say? Dope? Richie, don't suppress them. Embrace them" Richie smiled a little nodding then he grabbed his toast going too watch a bit of tv before we made our way too school. I took that time too look over my savings for the two weeks. It wasn't much. Only 40$ too last us these two weeks. Now that my job laid me off, it's been hard too afford and provide things for the boys, and let alone myself. But still, they never complained. But I don't know how much longer I could provide for the family on my own. It's times like this I wished I could've done something..anything too have my wife here with me. It seemed she always knew what too do at times like this. Finally after some time, we got in the car and headed too school.

{richies point of view}

I took a peak at mikes home room paper, I was so glad too see that mike wasn't in the same room as me. Sighing of relief I then looked at mike, Climbing out the car nervously. I much rather preferred my first outfit then this, but, you take what you can get? Right? I looked back over at mike as he hurriedly sped his way down the hall, it seemed he was hoping too see someone as-well. Finally making it into my classroom, I looked into the doorway, many kids were there. Finally. There they were, waiting in the back of the class, there she was, I felt as my smile grew big, running as fast as I can I ran too her "Beverly!" I shouted out, she smiled running over enveloping me into a hug "Richie! You've gotten even uglier" she said patting my back, I rolled my eyes in response saying "that's not what you're mom thinks" but instead of laughing, she just..frowned. I watched my smile fading as-well "what? What's wrong?" I asked, she reluctantly told me "my mom..died this summer" I didn't really know what too tell her since my mom died ages ago. So i pat her shoulder in comfort "don't worry, she's up in heaven" she moved my shoulder "don't patronize me Richard." I laughed then softly spoke "welcome too the no mom club" she smiled then looked around as if she was going too tell me a secret, then she spoke "a kid named Eddie moved across the street from me, he has some weird English accent? I talked too him but he seemed kind of shy." She rolled her eyes then sat down, I sat next too her. 'Eddie'..that named sounds familiar.  I nodded "wanna see if he's in the same class as us?" I stood not waiting for an answer looking at the teachers book of names which was conveniently open sitting on her desk which she wasn't at, I glanced over all the names. Sure enough, Eddie was there. I walked back over smoothly, surely impressing Beverly with my spy skills sitting down. I confirmed that surely, Eddie was in our class. She didn't believe my 'poor eyesight' and didn't even comment on my skills as a spy, she stood walking past pretending too get a tissue, then looked at the book, once she came back. Pale her face was, she sat and looked at me "he's back" she said, I smirked proudly "as I said, the Eddie kid is in our class" she shook her head "no..Henry bowers is in our class" I froze, finally the memories came back. Henry freaking bowers from kindergarten. Well, from when I was in kindergarten. Then I remembered who the Eddie kid could've been. My old friend, who I sadly stoped being friends with because of an argument I didn't even remember, and since he moved away. How could I forget him..but most could I forget..HIM.."what? How he was two grades above us" I asked whisper yelling at this point. I didn't want anyone too hear my concern and get curious. She looked at me "I guess he was held back, twice, what a dumbass" I put my head down, I had heard rumors about him from kids higher up in grades during lunch, how much of a bully and terrible kid he is, how even they're afraid of him. How his family are a bunch of ASSASSINS!! Well. Maybe thats not true..but too be held back in Second grade,'d have too be a bad kid. My worry and anxiety grew and grew, until well. "Richard and Beverly, please come here" the teacher asked, we both stood and made our way too the teacher outside in the hallway, standing next too her in a very clean neat outfit was, some kid with wavy brown hair, greenish blue eyes (i just like Eddie with greenish blue eyes fite me) and he was short. Not that short but shorter then me. Even Beverly looked more manly then him, which. She was very much a tomboy, she always had her curly red hair very very short. She never wore skirts or dresses or anything girly. She loved getting her hands dirty. He seemed..completely different. I listened as the teacher asked us too show the kid around the school, make friends with him. Since we both are angels, not so much Beverly but me for sure, we agreed and made our way down the hall. She raised her hand shaking eddies "hiya, I'm Beverly bev for short, this is my annoying friend richie" I rolled my eyes "oh I'm the annoying friend?" I said fixing my glasses "My names Richie, uh whats yours?" I watched as the kid shyly replied "oh um Eddie" which actually sounded like Ed-die. I found his accent very funny. Beverly nodded "Didn't you live here before? In the first half of first grade and kindergarten?" I looked at Eddie, if he didn't remember I definitely wasn't going too tell him. Especially how we stoped being friends. I waited for him too answer as he then nodded "oh yes yes, indeed. I remember now" she smiled "great! Well, you and Richie should do some catching up" I shook my head "no! I don't have anything too say. We should just finish our tour." Too my surprise Eddie nodded agreeing "yes I agree." She shrugged "whatever you say." Soon our tour came too an end, finally honestly. The tension was thicker then Beverlys dead mom! Which I probably shouldn't be thinking. My train of thought stopped as me and Beverly came too a freeze at the door. There he was. Henry freaking bowers. Sitting two seats away from where I sat with beverly. Eddie freely walked inside, as if he wasn't scared of him at all. Which surprised me, or maybe he forgot after becoming all fancy moving to England. I bet he had a stick stuck straight up his- I'm interrupted by our teacher urging me too come into the classroom, Beverly had Already made her way inside. I quietly followed sitting next too her. Doing everything in my power too avoid eye contact with him, as-well as Eddie. I prayed he didn't remember what happened but remembered he doesn't like me. Which is good. Because I hate him too.

{mikes pov} walkimg into class I saw the familiar bowl cut kid as I call him And camouflage as I call my other friend. Formally known as will and Lucas, walking over I waved "hey! I missed you guys" Lucas gave me a hug excitedly "mike my man, what's shakin?" Will laughed at Lucas's greeting then looked over at me "hey mike how was summer?" He asked, I shrugged "boring. I watched tv all day. Can't believe you guys went too Summer camp" Lucas nodded "I wish I didn't, it was boring. We didn't learn jack shit" I laughed as the teacher yelled at Lucas for his language. Will nodded agreeing with Lucas "it was very boring without you there. But we did prank the whole staff with everyone by leaving one night and not coming back..which ended badly as I said it would!" Lucas shrugged "it was fun tho? The look on their faces was priceless!" I laughed "wish I could've seen it. Of course I wouldn't have done it but, I would've watched." I was happy too see them but, sad she wasn't there. The girl I was waiting too see. Maybe she wasn't in my class? Or she switched schools?..I don't know. I won't give up yet. I just won't.

(Hey! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was pretty long hope you guys don't mind! And I wanted too know if since I don't like space the paragraphs does it make the story harder too read? If so I can start doing that if you guys want! Thanksss - Aj once again sorry for typos I don't feel like correcting them today lol)

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