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Isabella is 5 in this story.

"Where are we going?" I asked my mum. She sent a nervous glance to my dad, who was driving, before she turned around to look at me in the back of the car.
"We're going to the doctors, sweetie," she told me and my grip tightened on my favourite teddy.

I hated the doctors.

Worse than hated.

It scared me.

That's why Mummy had told me to bring Snowball (my teddy bear).

Suddenly my mum closed her eyes, resting her head back on the head rest. Her eyes squeezed shut and her nose crinkled, her lips pressed together in a firm line.

"What's wrong, Anna?" Daddy asked her. Mummy shook her head and sat up, smiling. I didn't notice the pain in her eyes.
"Nothing," she assured us, "just a headache."

The closer we got to the doctors, the more nervous I became.

I remembered the last time I was here and it wasn't nice. They'd given me shots and I hated needles. They scared me.

We soon pulled into the hospital parking lot.

My nerves skyrocketed and Mummy had to lift me out the car. She set me down but I refused to walk so Daddy picked me up and carried me inside.

We sat down in the waiting room, me on Daddy's knee, whilst Mummy went up to the desk at the end of the room.

I didn't like the doctors. I didn't like the smells, the whiteness of the walls and floors, the machinery and equipment; it made me nervous.

"It's alright, Bella," Daddy assured me, wrapping his arms around me reassuringly.

It didn't help ease my panic very much. Still, I felt better with him here and even better when Mummy came back.

She sat down in the seat next to Daddy and I wriggled over until I was sat on her lap. She smiled at me and kissed me cheek.

We didn't wait very long until a voice called: "Isabella Hawkins?"

We all stood up and made our way over to a man wearing navy blue trousers and a top in the same colour.

"Follow me please," the man said and we followed him down a corridor.

He stopped once he reached a door and he opened it. Before we could go inside, the man turned to my mum and said: "Are you alright ma'am?"

Mummy didn't look right. She looked pale and tired.

Then a man came over, from the room. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

He look at my mum and a worried expression crossed his face.

"Calum," he said to the man who had led us to the room "if you'd take young Isabella here inside?" I was too young to see the hidden meaning in his words.
"Of course," the man said before turning to me and smiling warmly before saying "Come with me sweetie."

I followed man into the room and he closed the door behind us but not before I saw my mum fall against Daddy, her eyes shut. She looked like she was sleeping.

I was even more nervous now I was in the room. Was this man the doctor?

"Okay, sweetie," he said smiling down at me "I just need you to hop up on the bed for me."

I made my way over to the bed and got up on it, with a little help from the man. My feet dangled over the edge of the bed and I held Snowball against my chest.

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