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You have been living in England for some months now, you have social media but you aren't posting anything. You haven't talked to any of them but you then get a message from Bryce.

It's Friday so you still have time, you book a plane ticket

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It's Friday so you still have time, you book a plane ticket.

Skip to Monday, you wake up and get ready, when you are done with your breakfast you parents drives you to the airport. You check in and get on the plane. The plane lands and you are in La you get a Uber and get to sway. You have been talking to Bryce and he said she will be gone with Bryce so the others can set up the party. You knock and josh opens, he hugs you

You: hi
Josh: woah I didn't expect you to come, who told you
You: Bryce asked me
Josh: I should have thought of that

You get inside and you all get ready for the surprise. Josh then comes over to you.

Josh: can we talk?
You: of course

You go outside

You: something wrong?
Josh: no just wanted to talk since it has been a while
You: yeah
Josh: so where did you move to?
You: London
Josh: cool, how is it over there?
You: it's great love it
Josh: that's good, I have missed you
You: I have missed you to
Josh: when are you leaving again?
You: Friday
Josh: okay I think we have to go inside they are coming soon

You go inside and 2 minutes after Bryce and Addison opens the front door

Everyone: SURPRISE
Addison: you didn't have to do this

Addison then sees you and runs straight over to you and hugs you

Addison: HEEEY
you: hey
Addison: what are you doing here
You: surprise you
Addison: who texted you?
You: Bryce

She walks over to Bryce and say thank you

Bryce: y/n when did you come?
You: like an hour ago
Bryce: okay
Addison: when are you leaving?
You: Friday
Addison: okay we still have time
You: yeah
Griffin: where did you move?
You: London
Addison: you moved to London?
You: yeah
Addison: why aren't you posting on social media anymore?
You: just haven't been feeling it, it's not the same without you guys. What's going on with you guys lately?
Griffin: nothing much
Josh: crying
You: why?
Josh: well this girl, I don't know if you know her, but this girl was my soulmate I just know it, she moved away, but I know we are soulmates. I still love her so much, she is the best thing that ever happened to me and I wish she didn't move and all that because now I don't get to wake up to her in my arms and seeing her smile and making her smile. Seeing the joy she brings to people when she is around them and I just can't believe I lost that.

You all were speechless.

Josh: so yeah that's why

Josh is just looking down in the ground you walk over to him and lifts his head up.

Josh: oh hi

You kiss him

Josh: what was that for?
You: I love you
Josh: I love you too, are you going to stay?
You: well-
Josh: please
You: I will think about that
Josh: okay
You: can we go outside and talk?
Josh: ofc

You walk outside and sit right beside the pool

You: what a speech
Josh: thanks I guess
You: I didn't know you had it in you
Josh: well I didn't either it just came out
You: you know I'm never going to give you a speech like that
Josh: come on, make one up right now
You: okay then. So I made this guy almost a year ago, and the first thought that came too my mind was, when is this guy going to ask me to marry him, I wouldn't hesitate, I would say yes. It just felt right, the connection I had with this boy was something else. When I moved away I felt like I have lost the only thing that made me happy, and it was my fault to move.
Josh: you are so sweet
You: thanks
Josh: y/n I know we haven't talked in a while, but will you be my girlfriend
You: just thought you was going to say best friend again, remember that
Josh: yes, but you didn't answer?
You: I think you already know it
Josh: but I wanna hear it from you
You: yes josh I would love to
Josh: yeeeees. Can I have a kiss

Josh kisses you, you pull away after sometime

You: we should probably go inside
Josh: good idea

You walk inside holding hands everyone is looking

Bryce: so?
Josh: this is my girlfriend
Addi; I'm so happy for you guys

You all just have an amazing day, you are getting tired because you have jet lack so you decided to go to sleep, in the middle of the night you can feel josh laying next to yourself

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