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Mom: hi sweetie
You: hi mom
Mom: are you okay?
You: yeah, I'm going to unpack
Mom: we are having someone over for dinner
You: okay

You get up your room and start unpacking, after you unpack you watch some Netflix. You then hear your mom calling you, so you go downstairs

You: did you call me?

You then see that it's the hacker family

You: mom you didn't say it was the hacker family that came over
Mom: it was a surprise

You go over and hug them

Mom: well dinner is ready in 30 minutes, y/n why don't you take vinnie with you
You: okay

You go upstairs to your room

Vinnie: it's nice to see you again
You: yeah you too
Vinnie: my mom said you were in a car accident
You: oh yeah, were are you guys staying?
Vinnie: my mom said we are staying here
You: oh okay
Vinnie: so you know how addi is?
You: she's fine
Vinnie: okay, that's great
You: how are you, it's been a long time since
Vinnie: I'm good
You: that's great, have you talked to addi?
Vinnie: No, not recently
You; okay

You talk, and your mom calls you down for dinner, and you guys eat, your mom takes you aside

Mom: y/n is it okay if vinnie stays with you?
You: it's fine but why?
Mom: we only have one guest room
You: oh okay, that's fine he can stay with me
Mom: thanks
You: of course mom

Vinnie comes over to you

Vinnie: I was wondering y/n if you maybe want to show me around town
You: sure

You and vinnie get out and start walking

Vinnie: so do you still have a boyfriend?
You: no, we broke up
Vinnie: okay, I'm sorry about that
You: no it's fine we are still friends
Vinnie: that's great
You: yeah

You just walk around town

You: oh vinnie, I hope it's fine with you but you have to sleep in my bedroom, since we only have one guest room
Vinnie: oh okay that's fine

You then get home, you both walk up to your room, you then get mattress on lay it on the floor

Vinnie: I can sleep on that
You: your aren't sleeping on that, I am
Vinnie: no it's your room and it's your bed I'm sleeping on the mattress, wanna watch a movie?
You: yeah

You find a movie and set it on, you and vinnie is just laying next to each other watching the movie, you slowly start to close your eyes and feels asleep

The new girl | J. R |Where stories live. Discover now