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You wake up and it's a new day. You couldn't sleep last night because you kept thinking about Josh, you thought it was going to be over because you guys did it. You started to like Josh.
You go down stairs and it's already 12 Jacob is sitting on the couch.
Jacob: hi your up late
You: yeah I couldn't sleep last night.
Jacob: so are you going to the party with Cynthia tonight?
You: yeah why?
Jacob: I was just wondering if I could invite some friends over.
You: and you need us to leave because of that?
Jacob: no not really.
You: okay, do you know where Sophia is?
Jacob: in her room.
You: thank you.
You walk upstairs and go into Sophia room.
You: hi
Sophia: hi something wrong?
You: no not really.
Sophia: then what's up?
You: I'm kinda nervous.
Sophia: for what?
You: school I know it still in 2 days.
Sophia: you don't have to be nervous I pretty sure you will fit in.
You: I don't know.
Sophia: I heard that you and josh kinda hit it off.
You: me and josh?
Sophia: yeah.
You: I mean his a good friend.
Sophia: just friends?
You: yeah
Sophia: sure about that I saw you to yesterday.
You: when?
Sophia: on the coach when you were making out.
You: it was truth or dare.
Sophia: that makes since now.
You: I need to go know.
Sophia: oh you are going to the party with Cynthia?
You: yeah, bye
You then walk out and walk to your bathroom and take a shower, you got out of the shower and checked your phone, you saw Josh texted you.



Hi, what's up

Are you going to the party tonight?

Yeah why?

Just wanted to know if you came


How are your legs?

Fine I guess I mean I can walk better than I did yesterday

I'm sorry btw

No it's fine

Okay, what are you wearing tonight?

I really don't know

Can I pick?

Yeah why not just not something really embarrassing, promise?

Promise, Can I come over now?

There is still some hours til the party

I know but you girls can take a really long time

Yeah you not wrong just come over now then.

Thank god because I'm already half way

Okay see you soon then

Yeah see you

You then hear a knock on your door and it is josh, he comes in, and start looking in your wardrobe. He then pulls out a skirt and a crop top it was very casual

 He then pulls out a skirt and a crop top it was very casual

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You go in the bathroom and change and did your makeup you come out and see that josh is just starring

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You go in the bathroom and change and did your makeup you come out and see that josh is just starring.
You: something wrong?
Josh: no, why would you think that?
You: because you are literally just starring.
Josh: you lost something on the floor.
You: where?
Josh: behind you.
You bend down to get it, it was your makeup brush. You walk over to the sink and put it's down. You feel some hands on you waist you knew it was josh so you don't freak out. He start kissing your neck he found your sweet spot that you covered with makeup because he made a hickey yesterday. He then wipes the makeup with his fingers, and start sucking on it you start to moan. You try to get his head of because you had to go because you had to help griffin set up the party.
You: Josh we have to go know.
Josh: why
You: Cynthia asked if I could come with her because she had to help Griffin.
Josh: okay
You put makeup on your hickey. You then walk to Cynthias room.
You: hey is it okay if josh comes with us his waiting outside?
Cynthia: yeah of course, what's up with you two.
You: we are just friends
Cynthia: Josh has his on car why can't he drive in that.
You: he says that he is probably going to get a bit drunk so he can't drive.
Cynthia: oh okay.
You then walk out of her room and get josh out of your room and says goodbye to everyone and go outside. Cynthia then comes and open the car and start driving to Griffins place.

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