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Addisons POV:
Cynthia: looks like they are tied.
Bryce: they probably had some rough 7 minutes.
You: yeah probably. Cynthia can I talk to you?
Cynthia: of course
You guys go outside
Cynthia: is there something wrong?
You: did you know y/n before?
Cynthia: no, is there something I need to know?
You: yeah about her parents.


Cynthia: I know they died
You: no they didn't die
Cynthia: what are you saying Addison
You: I'm saying they are still a live
Cynthia: but why does y/n not know?
You: because she was a failure to them. She didn't get the grades, she always did some thing wrong, they just couldn't handle it more so they moved to Europe.
Cynthia: and they said that to you?
You: yes they thought I would be the one she would live with because they didn't think that she knew where her family lived.
Cynthia: wow, so you are saying that she isn't who I think is. I mean she so sweet.
You: she is sweet and I'm not saying that.
Cynthia: what are you saying then?
You: I'm saying that her parents aren't died
Cynthia: I kinda realized that from the beginning. But do you know where they live?
You: yeah I know. They live in Spain.
Cynthia: how do you know this?
You: I still keep contact to them they still love her but the just can't race her, but I have said to them that she has changed and has good grades and do all that bad stuff anymore. But they always says but if we move back she would turn into it again. They were great parents I loved them, everybody loved them.
Cynthia:how long have you know this?
You: since they left. They wanted to make sure she was okay. I remembered that she had family in La. so when I got famous I really wanted to find her. But I didn't know who her family was. When I meet you and you said your last name was Parker I knew that you where her family but she didn't live with you and I got confused. When I saw her sitting on the couch I could recognize her and I got so happy, I didn't think I would ever see her again.
Cynthia: does her parents know that she is here?
You: yes I texted them and they really wanted to see her again so I kinda booked plane tickets for them.
Cynthia: wait really?
You: yeah really
Cynthia: when are they coming?
You: tomorrow
Cynthia: how are we going to explain this to her.
You: I really don't know I just wanted you to know.
Cynthia: thank you we should probably go inside.
You: yeah
You went in and left

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