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The next morning you wake up in the hospital. A nurse comes in

Nurse: hi, your awake
You: yeah, can you explain why I'm here?
Nurse: you was in a car accident
You: where is my phone I need to call someone

The nurse gives you your phone, and you call addi

Addi: hey y/n, something wrong?
You: well yeah
Addi: what's going on
You: I'm in the hospital
Addi: what, why?
You: the nurse said something with a car crash I don't really remember it, the last thing I remember is going home
Addi: okay, y/n don't worry I'm coming
You: thanks

The call ends, you are just in the bed trying to remember what happened when addi comes in, with josh

Addi: hey
You: hi
Addi: what happened
You: to be honest I don't remember
Addi: okay I will talk to the nurse okay
You; okay

Addi goes outside, and josh is still in the room

You: hey
Josh: hi, I hope it's okay if I came
You: why wouldn't it be, we are still friends
Josh: yeah, why did you leave?
You: well I was tired so decided to leave
Josh: you could have stayed
You: well didn't think of that, josh?
Josh: yeah what?
You: thanks for coming
Josh: ofc you did the same, have you called your parents?
You: no forgot
Josh: you forgot to call your parents?
You: yeah, don't act like you wouldn't have forgot it
Josh: yeah you right
You: I should probably call them
Josh: great idea

You call your parents, you say it's all fine.

Josh: really it's all okay
You: yeah I'm fine
Josh: really, it doesn't look like that
You: what I'm fine
Josh: I know you what is wrong
You: nothing
Josh: y/n don't lie just say it
You: I don't know what to say
Josh: say what on your mind
You: the thing that's on my mind is I just want to be alone and get home
Josh: oh.. I will leave then

Josh's pov
It was clear she didn't want me and I shouldn't have come in the first place, I leave the room and addi was about to go in

Addi: are you leaving?
Josh: well she doesn't want me there so I'm just leaving
Addi: josh, she still loves you okay, give it time
Josh: to be honest I don't think your right, but I have to go
Addi: trust me, okay
Josh: okay, I have to go
Addi: bye
Josh: bye

Back to you

Addison comes in, and she you crying. She comes over to hug you.

Addi: hey, what's wrong?
You: why do I keep pushing him away?
Addi: who, josh?
You: yeah, I keep pushing him away, and then waiting for him. I say it's fine but it's not, and plus we aren't going to date again because his with nessa now and his happy, why can't I just move on and be happy? With that note, something happening with you and Bryce?
Addi: we aren't talking about that right now, we are talking about you
You: there is literally nothing to talk about
Addi: really because the thing I heard was that you are going through a break up, it happens okay, and I have a feeling you guys will find each other again
You: hope your right, but what did the nurse say?
Addi: you know the usual, you just have to stay here for a bit
You: oh okay I can live with that
Addi: you know what this reminds my off?
You: I know, when I was 5 and I feel of your trampoline, and broke my leg
Addi: not that, I was thinking of, when you were 10 and you feel on your bike that you just got for your birthday, and you ended up in the hospital, and the only thing you could think about was the bike, because you broke it
You: I wish I had that bike
Addi: you loved it
You: yeah ofc, you were jealous
Addi: yes who wouldn't be since you got that bike
You: haha

You and addi just talk when Bryce, Charli, Dixie and Noah

Charli: helllo!!!!
You: hey, nice to see you again
Charli: why didn't you guys say you were back
You: we didn't plan it to be this long
Bryce: it's been 3 days
You: still long
Bryce: you didn't even know how long you was going to stay
You: yeah that's true
Charli: why didn't you call
You: I'm sorry char
Noah: okay, so what happened?
You: Idk
Dixie: when can you leave?
You: tomorrow hopefully
Noah: and when are you hitting home?
You: if I can probably tomorrow, you know I still have school
Noah: oh yeah you still have school

The others stay all day

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