Prologue Part 1: Awakened

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Tano Natsuko POV:

All I can see is black. There's nothing here. No light. No sound. Nothing. Who am I? Oh yeah. I'm Tano Natsuko, but where am I? I reach my hands to my sides, I think. And I feel the cool embrace of metal. I reach out my hand to the front of me. I see light and I walk towards it, only to inevitably trip on the small rise of the metal, I fall and land on my chest and hit my head. 'Ugh.' I reach my hand up to my head and stand up. 'Ouchhh!' I touch my head and wince at the pain it sends, that'll leave a bruise.

"Tano?!/T-tano," The boys say my name, as if they had before, "Hey, are you okay?/ W-why were you in a locker?"

I look up to see my best friends in the entire world, Duncan Ackerman and Kokichi Oma.

"Uhm," I stand up and brush my knees off the concrete dust and dirt, they were bleeding the vibrant pink of blood. Oh well. "You see, A) I'm fine Dunc, just a few scratches, and B) Kichi, I do not know why I was in a locker. I look around the room I was in and it appeared to be some sort of classroom. "I have a better question." I smile at the boys, "Why the hell are we in some sort of deranged classroom?" Duncan shrugged and Kokichi smiled lightly at me instead.

"I don't know Tano, tell me, why are we in a fucking classroom?" I roll my eyes at Duncan's usually harsh words and begin to think.

"Well... " My soft voice fades off.

"Okay, l-look, I just w-woke up here too, but I was on a desk, not in a l-locker." Kichi crosses his arms, then I hear a sound.

It was coming from the other locker next to mine. I gasp and jump behind Kokichi, gripping the, not much taller, boys arm and he grasps mine.


I let out a squeak as a boy around our age, but he had a pale grey complexion, fell out of the locker. He gasped as he fell but his daze left quickly as he opened his eyes, which were an electric blue, and looked at us. He jumped up quickly and pointed an accusing finger at us.

"Who are you?! Were you the people who kidnapped me?" He asked quickly and I put my hand over Duncan's mouth before he could scare the poor boy.

"No, I'm afraid not, we woke up here as well. What's your name? I'm N-Natsuko Tano." I smile at the boy, finally taking my hand off Duncan's mouth, just as he licked it. "Ugh! Dude! Gross! What the hell?!" I say and wipe the saliva on the boy's uniform.

The boy ran away, rushing past us and to the door. I groan and look at Duncan, Duncan looks at Kokichi, and Kokichi looks at me nervously, fidgeting under Duncan's glare. I sigh and then hear a scream, tensing up.

"What... What the fuck was that?" Duncan asked and ran over to the door with me and Kokichi, only to be met by a... A...

"MONSTER!" I yelled, pointing at the... At the... Whatever the hell that is!

"HEEEEELLLLLL YEAH! I FINALLY FOUND YOU GUYS!" The... thing said. Without a second thought, I grab Duncan and Kokichi's hands, running as fast as I could in the opposite direction. "WAITWAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT!" The thing yelled, beginning to run after us. I rush through the hallways, trying to get away from it. I make a left, and then I make a right, dragging the poor boys with me, not being able to forgive myself if they got hurt.

My heeled shoes didn't help as I turned quick corners. Then I see some stairs and rush down them. Once I get down them I see another one of those things, but it was pink, not blue, taking a sharp turn down the other hallway and passing the fork, only to see another one of those GODDAMN things!

This one was yellow. With tears in my eyes, I continue to run down the hallway. I see a checkered pattern door and attempt to open it but it won't budge. Realizing that I was wasting time trying to open the door, I flip around to see the yellow monster..? Robot..? Who knew, to be honest, I dash down the hallway, opposite from the monster, and see another door, and I rush into that one, using all of my force only to see something I wouldn't think to see.

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