Extra Chapter + (not very exciting) Announcements!

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It was around the time Jisung usually slept.

When the crickets began their forlorn duet with the stars above, and the birds and the trees retired for the night, providing no cover for the noisy autumn insects. When trials and tribulations die down at last, enough for everyone to re-energize and tackle the world the next day. It was the world's subtle way of giving everyone a breath of fresh air and relaxation so they could come back stronger.

The time Jisung would usually have a drink to help him fall asleep. Usually.

Ever since he met Minho, he took a step back from drinking—avoided it like the plague, actually. There were... unexpected withdrawals, but hey, at least he managed through it. Besides, he didn't need to drink anymore; what else did he want to forget? He made fresh memories he never wanted to let go. Alcohol was just a useless coping mechanism that benefitted him in no way.

And besides, he slept a lot more peacefully without drinking.

"Yah. Han Jisung." Something pokes at his cheek. "Han Jisung, wake up."

Though, of course, it would be much more peaceful if he didn't have to sleep in the same room as the king. Being his personal guard required him to sleep behind a paper divider in case of an attack, and usually, Minho didn't bother him this late at night.

However, there were many nights he couldn't sleep, and would always bother the closest person to him: Jisung.

And to think that Jisung finally found peace. He guessed with Lee Minho around, his life only worsened.

"Go to sleep, Minho," Jisung mumbles, batting Minho's hand away when the older poked his butt. "It's late."

"Well, I can't sleep. At all. I think the best thing to do is to tire myself out."

"I want to sleep. So, tire yourself out somewhere else." Jisung was all for indulging Minho. Mostly because Jisung's rebuttals had no effect on the king, but usually, their antics kept palace life interesting. But after skipping out on alcohol, Jisung realized how much he loved to sleep. So, as much as he loved Minho, he was willing to say he loved sleeping more. Especially because sleeping didn't bother him this late at night.

"C'mon Jisung," Minho rolls the younger to his back, the guard groaning in misery and screwing his eyes shut. "Let's sneak out of the palace. Just this once."

"Don't you have a meeting with some leaders tomorrow night? Go to sleep."

"That's not until the evening, though."

"Minho," the guard whines, kicking and flailing and rolling back onto his side, hugging his sword scabbard closer. "I just want to sleep. Please, we can go to the town tomorrow."

"I can't. The officials don't want me to leave palace grounds so carelessly. And besides, I need to go to Park Jisung's shop and pick up my sword."

"What makes you think Park Jisung is at his shop right now??" Jisung grumbles, Minho giggling. "Just order me to go to town tomorrow and I'll do it."

"What if I don't want to order you?"

"Then, I promise, I'll indulge you tomorrow. Now let me sleep!"

With a hum from the older, Jisung feels himself drift back to sleep. He could still feel the king's presence beside him, but he didn't mind. He never minded the older's presence, only his actions. As long as Minho stayed quiet and didn't bother—

"Oh my God! Minho!" Jisung sits up, sighing when he felt the blanket lift. Though, he knits his brows as his eyes barely register the older slipping under the covers in the dark.

Almost Killing the Prince | Minsung ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ