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"Yah- look at this-" Jisung exclaims, holding up a well-crafted daegeum in front of Minho, the older arching an eyebrow. Minho leans down, inching closer to the flute between Jisung and him. "The craftsmanship is amazing! Look how polished the bamboo is and-"

"Jisung- yah," Minho taps on the flute with his fingers, tilting it down and arching his eyebrows at the younger with a small thin-lipped smile. "I don't have an interest in flutes."

Jisung scoffs, leaning away from Minho's face and rolling his eyes. He threatens the older with the flute, sighing with his cheeks puffed and eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm trying to entertain you while your foot is healing you know!" he exclaims, Minho clasping his hands behind his back with a smug look. He looks satisfied enough at Jisung's reaction- and it only added fuel to the younger's irritation.

Really, while Jisung and Minho walked around the town to pass the time and for Minho's foot to heal without complaints from the older, Jisung believed it was his own irritation that interested Minho. Not the jewels, the clothing, the books, the swords or bows- not even the food!

Jisung thought he had complete patience in the older, but now that they were warming up to each other... Every day seemed to last years when he was with the bandit!

"Cute," Minho scrunched his nose, limping away from the thief. Jisung sighs, chewing his bottom lip.

Don't snap at him, don't snap at him... Jisung tried to remind himself as he carefully returns the daegeum on the merchant's table, bowing. He's the crown prince... or he's supposed to be- but the way he acts!

Jisung should've let that assassin kill Minho!

But obviously, the older was enjoying teasing Jisung more than the items, so Jisung opted to hold out as much as possible.

"Don't be so serious all the time, Jisung," Minho laughs at him as the younger caught up, apologizing to a few women he had bumped into. "I'll be fine. There's no need to humor me here. Walking with me is enough."

Jisung huffs, halting, and Minho turns to him, arching an eyebrow.

The young thief smiles, wide and heart-shaped as his eyes turned to crescent moons that Minho couldn't help but smile to. But as he notices the younger backtrack toward a nearby merchant, taking minor steps toward the chubby-cheeked man, his smile dropped. The thief picks up a small, simple pink ribbon from a merchant, holding it up in front of the older.

"Ah, I see," Jisung nods, sarcasm dripping from his voice that Minho grimaced at it. "What about this Min-min? this would suit your scabbard- yah!-"

Jisung catches up to him as the older quickly limped away, Minho leaning away from him.

"See? This is why I'm so serious... You're the-" Jisung clears his throat, leaning over so Minho could see him. "it's my job to-"

"-to protect me, I know, I know. You don't have to remind me of my failure to get rid of you."

Jisung nods, though perking up when he noticed Minho had a hard time walking- limping and trying to keep himself from using his left foot too much.

"Do you need help walking?" the younger asks. "If you want, I can carry-"

"No- absolutely not," Minho hacks, coughing and trying to wipe the pink dusting his face. He remembered the day that Jisung carried him to the doctor- all those stares, the murmuring... "I don't need help, I can walk fine."

Minho stumbles along, groaning when he hits his foot on a merchant's table, shutting his eyes and biting his lip to suppress a yelp.

"Jisung..." Minho croaks out, the thief offering his arm to let the older cling to it. "Let's go eat something." 

Almost Killing the Prince | Minsung ✓Where stories live. Discover now