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Jisung thought he could handle a week in the palace.

He knew the etiquette, the culture, and the handmaids and eunuchs seemed to respect for him for not fearing Minho.

But he was just waiting for all of this to be over. When there wasn't a threat of a king looming over his head and Minho finally ascends to the throne (With the addition of Yongbok's promised reward).

However, two weeks of staying at the palace proved too much. No, the workload didn't increase. If anything, the palace restricted Minho from throwing himself in the face of danger (which was a relief for Jisung's blood pressure, at least). But each time Jisung pulled on his personal guard outfit or heard anything correlating to his job, he would get sickening memories of Silla.

So when Yongbok suggested a little 'outing' with the princes, Jisung was almost ecstatic that he got to go.

Though he didn't think that all princes would attend...

They were out in a nice clearing, ways out of the town. The sun was bright, the wind bearable, and even Changbin enjoyed himself as he sat next to Jisung. The birds sang, the sky was a pretty blue, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

It seemed that the only thing with horrible weather was the spot the brothers settled themselves on. No, they weren't fighting. No, they didn't have a grudge on each other.

It was just- so... awkward.

Yongbok spread out a large cover for them to sit on as Changbin helped him set things up for their small picnic. And when they were done, the brothers all sat in a circle, Changbin, Jisung, a young personal guard, Chenle, and three other guards sitting on the grass some ways away.

And Lee Minho, Lee Yongbok, and Lee Taeyong all stared at each other, at the food, then down at their hands.

There was a heavy silence between them three that the crow passing by seemed to be the only one with an interesting conversation.

And it didn't help that things were awkward between Minho and Jisung. After the first night they spent in the palace, Minho distanced himself from the guard. That night, when Minho and Jisung had a small walk through the garden, he believed it strengthened their bond. Though, only straining it. What Jisung thought was a friendship, only deteriorated into a mere divide between ranks: Minho a crown prince, Jisung his guard, nothing more. And that was how it should've been in the first place.

Not that Jisung minded! After Minho suggested that he think of leaving after he receives his reward, that's all Jisung has been thinking about. He didn't want to leave, and something seemed to tie him to Minho. However, he couldn't help but think...

His sister did want him to live a full life. That's why she asked Jisung to continue living.

Though, for what exactly? And Jisung, after getting a taste of his purpose, thought it'd be a good idea to search for it after all. His sister wouldn't want him to steal and drink for the rest of his life. Wouldn't she?

So, when Jisung would usually help Minho, he only took a step back and joined the other guards.

They were at least getting along. 

Though even with the light conversation between them, the guards couldn't help but stare intently at the princes, praying that at least one would touch their food. It was disrespectful for them to eat before a prince would.

"So... Chenle," Changbin was the first to take his eyes away from the princes, smiling at the young guard. "Where are you from?"

"Ah- I'm from overseas. Yongbok took me in a while back, but I only started working as a personal guard for his highness, Lee Taeyong, when he arrived," he gestures to Changbin. "I know Jisung- well- not this Jisung- you know that Jisung who runs the blacksmith? The one that doesn't like you but says nothing about it."

Almost Killing the Prince | Minsung ✓Where stories live. Discover now