"Nope. Out of the question, Princess. I know you can climb on your own and I know that you'd do it right now but not when your knight in shining leather is here. I'm always here to be your partner in crime and also the Prince Charming to save his Damsel on distress." Said Chat, not forgetting to add his wink.

Marinette rolled her eyes at Chat's words but she knew that there was no way to talk him out of it. So she braced herself as Chat slowly eased her weight onto his back. Marinette clung onto Chat's neck while he wrapped her legs around his waist. Marinette's side was almost numb but she could feel the slight pull of her skin as she adjusted herself on Chat's back.

"All good, Princess?" Chat asked turning his head around.

Marinette not her lip as the sharp pain of her gut hit her but she manages to get a 'yes' out before Chat could notice the pain in her voice.

They knew that Twister was watching them and they understood that he had all the time in the world to lure them into a trap. They would have rested easy knowing that Twister was actually planning on tormenting them but the fact that he wasn't doing anything unnerved both Marinette and Chat Noir.

Chat glanced back and forth waiting for something to pop out at them but when the water reached his hips, he knew that they wouldn't survive much longer. He hooked his hands under Marinette's knees, holding her in place, and walked towards the wall. The water rippled with his movements and not at Marinette's skin. The thin material of her jeans could not protect Marinette from the cold stings of the water but she managed to hold on.

Chat stopped in front of the wall and looked up, trying to figure out where the gaps lead to. But his best guess was that they'd end up in another one of Twister's traps. Chat Noir slowly withdrew his arms from Marinette's thighs and pushed his fingers into the lowest gap. Four of his fingers manganese to squeeze in through the gap but he knew that it wasn't going to let him get a good grip. The water running g down the tiles made the walls slippery and even though Chat was still on the ground, waist-deep in water, he felt his fingers slip from the gap.

He sighed and looked at Marinette from the corner of his eye, the reassuring smile on her lips bringing a smile to Chat's lips. Chat room a deep breath and let it out, his breath staining the tiles for a second before disappearing.

With his two hands in the two gaps on the wall, Chat hoisted Marinette and himself from the ground. His feet fumbled for a foothold but slipped on the wet tiles. He put his weight on his hands and tried to think of a solution. He knew that if he were to let go, the water would easily go over their heads. Out of breath, they'd drown.

Chat Noir gritted his teeth and slowly pulled one hand away from the wall. Marinette gasped but had confidence in what Chat was doing. She watched as the leather-clad superhero groped for the gap above his head. Once he knew that his hand had found its target, Chat put his weight on his hand and let go of the gap.

He hovered in the air above the water that was rising faster than he had expected it to. Chat quickly hoisted himself and placed his feet in the gaps his hands had been in, a few minutes ago. It was a tight fit but miraculously, he held on without falling into the water. He looked behind him to check on Marinette who looked like she was going to pass out. Her face was almost green and she was staring at the rapidly rising water below them.

"Hey, Princess. It's going g to be alright. Just concentrate on me and not the water. Look at me and take deep breaths. In... Out..." Said Chat, trying to slow down Marinette's panicked breathing.

Slowly, Marinette calmed down and she opened her eyes and smiled at Chat. Sweat was beaded on her forehead but the look of confidence she gave Chat showed him that she was still his brave Princess.

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