Pipit: how did none of you hear what i just said?

Acatin: i've zoned out for the past two and half hours.

Marvin: i got distracted by a bug about halfway through.

JD: it was a conscious decision.

Foxglove: what's the signal if something goes wrong?

Aisha: how about 'oh fuck'?

Acatin: i mean, that'll work.

JD: to show you the power of flex tape i blew up detroit!

Marvin: first of all, i am not a bitch

Marvin, putting a hand on his hip and posing with a wand: i am the bitch

Anti, to Pipit: i'm sorry for stabbing JD

Acatin, narrating: Anti was not sorry

Pipit: ya know, some people are like slinkies.

Acatin: what?

Pipit: they're not really useful for much, but it brings a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs

Acatin: please don't push Anti down the stairs

Pipit: you can't stop me

Acatin, crying: Marv, i - please, no, i love you!

Marvin: i'm sorry, Acatin. we both know i have to do this.

Acatin: please, i - M - Marvin, i'm begging you - after all we've been through together, please, you can't, Marvin, please!

Marvin: i love you, Acatin.

Acatin: Marvin, you don't have to do this! please! i love you!

Marvin: [places down a wild draw four card]

Marvin: uno

Anti: With all those years you've been in the closet you think you'd be able to dress yourself better. 


Anti: That's because there's nothing but skeletons in my closet.

Pipit, hacking into Anti's personal files: Anti's password... What would a cold, murderous demon choose?

types in fuckingpassword and gains access

Pipit: Obviously.

Anti: Hope you get run over.

Pipit: Hoping is all well and good, but ultimately, it gets you nowhere. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Get in your car and run me the fuck down instead of waiting for others to do your work for you, you coward. You lazy fool

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