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this is gonna be a LOOOONNNGG chapter

all of these are edited quotes from incorrect-ego-quotes tumbler. 

Pipit= Trianglepaw

JD= Jason Dean or Jasone Dena

Foxglove= my new superhero ego

im sorry. @ everyone

~~warning! there is some cursing but its for comedic effect and im sure most of you dont care anyways~~


JD: am i dying?

Pipit: we're all dying, just at different speeds.

JD: then what about me?

Pipit: you're like the Usain Bolt of dying.

Marvin: there is no 'i' in team but there is one in pizza!

Acatin: so you're not going to share

Marvin: i am not going to share

JD, to PIpit: i love you you funky little goop gerblin

Pipit: anybody want to get into an argument with me?

JD: cream cheese isn't that good

Pipit: you know what i was kidding but fuck you

Acatin: hi i'm gay and you're watching dissapointment channel

Anti: i'm a stone-cold motherfucker, and i have never felt an emotion in my entire life

Acatin: hello mister Anti! are you having a good day?

Anti: i'm a... stone-cold motherfucker and i... fuck,, oh my god,,

Acatin: i'm calling the meeting to order. Pipit?

Pipit: here.

Acatin: punk ass bitch named Jasone Dena?

JD: uh, the 'punk ass bitch' part is silent.

Chaos: you're too late, idiots! Acatin was too weak for me, and i have taken over!

Foxglove: that's where you're wrong, evildoer! we will stop you, with the incredible powers of:

Lila: friendship!

Amber: harmony!

Aisha and Alice in unison: and incredibly graphic violence!

Cat: meow!

Acatin: you sly bastard! i never would have thought of it that way.

JD: is she actually talking to the cat or is she messing with us?

Pipit: either way, i'm not suprised.

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