i have nothing better to do

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so have some more incorrect quotes!

i h a t e m y s e l f 

once again, i just replaced the names from Incorrect-ego-quotes tumblr go check them out its very entertaining

PIpit= Trianglepaw

ok here we go

~~once again, cursing warning + some suggestive jokes but im sure most of you dont give a crap so bye~~


police sirens 

Lila, who's never done anything wrong in their entire life: they've found me 

 Chaos, the one who actually committed the crime: you'd better run

Pipit: if a spider makes silk then a pider must make ilk 

 Acatin: geT OUT-

Amber: okay. we'll need to break in through a side door, but be subtle- 

Foxglove: got it! proceeds to kick the door 

Amber: that's not subtle-

Aisha: being the leader of this group, is like being a parent. 

Aisha: if you were wondering what it's like being in the group of Acatin's Egos – Chaos and Foxglove got in a screaming match over the rules for the quiet game.

Amber, to the tune of Old McDonald: i'm so stressed that sunlight hurts, i am god's mistake!

Pipit: what's for lunch? 

JD: oh, i already ate. 

 Pipit: without me?  

JD: sorry, i was hungry! want me to bring you something? what do you want? 

 Pipit, backing away into the shadows: loyalty.

Pipit: Acatin, Marvin's on the table again! 

 Acatin, sighing: he knows he's not supposed to be up there

Pipit, squirting Marvin with a spray bottle: bad magician! 

 Marvin: [hisses]

Pipit: Who the fuck- 

Acatin: Language! 

 Pipit: Whomst the fuck- 

 Acatin: No!

JD: at this point, we aren't just flirting with disaster. 

Pipit: we're rounding third base and asking if disaster has any condoms. 

JD and Pipit: [chaotic evil high five]

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