Ash: But I wa-

Kukui: No, we will do that later, now let's go back to your friends

Ash: -sighs- fine

-walks away in disappointment-

Kukui: Now, I got to get to the bottom of this -continues to collect data-

(I was thinking about a time when I overheard my father and some people talking)

-Flash Back starting-

-A school bell-

Iris: Wooooo!!! -Stretches- Finally, it's lunch time, we get to eat Mr.Viridi's cooking!!

Ash: For once I can agree with you Iris, everyday for 5 days a week Mallow's dad cooking is always good, each and every time

Iris: Ohh Ash you're using your brain, that's good -pats Ash's head-

Ash: Shut up cocky darmanitan

Iris: -Hits Ash hard in the head- Who are you calling a darmanitan!!!!

Ash: -holds his head- Ow, why don't you use that monstrous strength for something useful you darmanitan

Iris: -hits Ash on the head again- I don't care if your the chief's son I will hit you each and every time

Red: Hey can you quiet down and do this later, some people are trying to sleep here

Clemont: By people, I think you mean only you, everyday all you do is sleep

Red: Shut up four eye's

Serena: Hey guys come on all the other kids are leaving for lunch

(Most of the classes left for lunch but me, red, and our friend yellow stayed)

Yellow: why are you guys not coming to lunch?

Ash: I need to talk to red about our project remember

Red: -yawns- Just leave us here, go on yellow

Yellow: I will help you guys!! -she demanded firmly-

Red: *Arceus, what is with her* -stares at Ash- Ash?

Ash: -looking out the window at a girl- Why is Marnie always eating alone?

Red: Oh that loner

Ash: hmm, look who's talking, your a loner yourself

Red: Well I heard her mother died when she was born and her brother one rood piece sh-

Yellow: Red!! Don't curse again!!

Red: Oh Arceus!! -He screams- It's the same thing with you each day, your worst then my parents

-The classroom door opens-

Blue: There you are Yellow!! Come on out, we're playing soccer!!

Red: -Blushing-

Yellow: -Whispers in Red's ear- Oooo, Red are you blushing? -chuckles- it would be a shame if I told her you li-

Red: -covers her mouth- Shut it!!

Blue: -turns to Ash- Hey Ash!, Can you be one of the team captains again today

Ash:..........Na I'm good, how about you be team captain Blue, I recommend, now I got to do something, later!!! -leaves-

Marnie: -eating-

Ash: -walks up behind her- What's up Marnie!!!

Marnie: -chokes on her food-

Ash: Ohh I'm sorry Marnie!!!

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