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She turned to me again and wiped some of her tears. She shook her head. "I don't feel hurt," her voice trembled. "I just...," she swallowed. "I don't know what they did to me."

Kyle flinched slightly but kept his hand in hers. "Ally," he whispered. "They found you half naked," his voice was strained. "Tell me what happened," he whispered.

Her chin quivered.

"I can go, if you'd like," I offered quietly. "I'll come-," Ally shook her head.

"No," she whispered. "It's okay, Pres, I don't think they...hurt me like that, not how you guys think," Kyle brushed away tears that slid down her cheeks. "I don't even know why they told me to...undress," she started sobbing again. "It doesn't make sense. They probably just wanted to humiliate me."

Kyle enveloped her into an embrace. She clung onto him.

"Ally," Kyle spoke softly. "You don't have tell us any more if you're not comfortable. It's up to you," he stroked her hair.

She pulled away and wiped her own tears. "But there's really nothing to tell," she said to both of us. "I remember they forced a drink down my throat...and then I don't remember anything at all. The last thing I have memory of is...being cold," she sniffed.

I didn't know how to offer her comfort. I didn't know the right thing to say. Apparently, neither did Kyle because he stood quiet, still holding onto Ally's hand.

Ally tucked a golden strand of hair behind her ear. "Who found me?," she whispered. "In that garage."

Kyle's gaze shifted to mine briefly. "Nate and Red," he said carefully.

"Only them?," she asked tentatively, looking at her hands.

Kyle sighed. "Alvin and Marcus too." Ally wiped away tears. Kyle whispered to her. "Nathan covered you up. You were protected. I promise."

She nodded. "I know. I believe you. I trust Nate. It's just...I just feel," she shrugged as her face crumpled in more tears.

Kyle embraced her once more and gave me a look that said I-got-it-from-here. I sighed, but nodded and departed from the infirmary. My infirmary, as it was.

Where would I go now?

To my room? It was still Saturday, I didn't have school work to attend to. To see Nathan? I didn't know where he was. 

I decided to start my route to the garden, hoping not to run into Kevin. I didn't feel all too safe with him. The more I avoided him, the better.

I made my way through the dark hallways and once again, I crashed into someone, but this time, the person pulled me against them. I gasped, but it was only Nathan.

"You scared me," I whispered.

His lips quirked slightly. "Sorry, love," he said.

There it was again. Love.

"What're you doing out here? You need supplies?," he held my waist.

I shook my head. "I was just giving Ally and Kyle a moment," I said quietly. "They needed it."

His eyes lit up. "She's awake?"

I nodded. "She's going to be fine, she told me that those guys...," I trailed off. "That those guys didn't hurt her like that. She said they just made her I don't really know the full story."

His forest green eyes hardened dangerously. I sighed. "Do you know who they were?," I asked quietly.

He scanned around the dark hallway, almost as if he was looking for something, then whispered darkly into my ear. "I have no fucking idea." His tone made me flinch.

I peered up at him with worried eyes. He kissed my cheek affectionately. "Don't look at me like that."

My cheeks felt warm. "Like what?," I asked, avoiding his gaze.

He snickered and eased my chin up in order to match his gaze. My cheeks were even more engulfed in warmth.

"Like you're worried," he said softly. "I don't want you to worry, let me do all of that."

I shifted in his embrace and made a downcast expression.

"Hey," he said gently. "What's with face?"

I rested my head against his chest. "Nathan," I stated quietly. "What...what are we?"

I was frightened to ask.

He was silent for a moment, then he sighed. "If the gangs find out I care about you like that, they'll do anything in their power to take you from me," his voice turned stone. "That's not what I want for you," he placed a delicate kiss on my earlobe.

"I- I," I stammered helplessly. "I guess you're right, but-," voices cut me off.

Nathan released me and placed his rigid composure on once more. The boss and an aging man who I'd never seen before rounded the corner. They talked in hushed voices, when they reached us, the boss's face morphed with rage.

I shrunk behind Nathan.

"Were you not going to tell me about this afternoons' events?," the boss asked Nathan incredulously. He  was so furious, his hands shook.

Nathan remained impassive. "There are better places to discuss this,  father," he said.

The boss peered around his son to locate me. "Aren't you supposed to be infirmary, boy? That's what I pay you for, right?," he growled.

Nathan clenched his fists, then released them.

I hastily nodded. "I was just going back," I stated quietly.

The aging man next to the boss looked weary.

I wonder who he is.

"My office," the boss instructed Nathan. "Now."

Nathan gave me a look and I nodded. I didn't know what I was nodding to, but we were both definitely in an understanding. What were we understanding? Not even I knew.

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