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After Betty and I get ready we head down to the dining room and kitchen.

"It smells amazing, Mrs. Cooper. Thank you." I say as we take a seat at the table. I take a seat at the end seat and Betty sits to my left on the long side of the table.

Alice brings a stack-full of pancakes to the table, putting them down. My mouth waters at the sight, yum yum.

"I'm just glad my efforts are being acknowledged for once, Jughead." she says, squeezing my shoulders and smiling at me before glaring at Betty.

I chuckle in response.

"C'mon mom, I appreciate your cooking and you know that." Betty says, looking at me with wide eyes that are saying 'Jesus she's really rubbing this in'

"Wouldn't kill you to say it once in a while, hm?" she teases with a smile as she brings over the syrup and orange juice.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Betty says in disregard.

Betty grabs my plate and uses the spatula to put 3 pancakes into my plate, "Is that enough?"

"Yeah, thank you."

"I made enough for seconds for you, Jughead." Alice says, "You guys enjoy, I have to head out to the Register."

I take a bite. Jeeeesus, Alice always did make the best food.

"Thank you, they're incredible."

"Of course," she says with a smile, "I'll see you guys tonight, okay?" She pulls on her coat and grabs her purse from the living room

"Okay, mom, thank you for breakfast."

Alice nods before pulling the door open and waving goodbye.

"Bye Mrs. Cooper!" I say as Betty says, "See you, mom!"

Once the door shuts Betty looks at me with a wide smile.

"I think she's this close" she says with a pinch of her fingers, "to putting me up for adoption and adopting you in my place." she giggles.

I laugh in response, "What can I say, I've always been her favourite."

Betty takes a bite of her pancake nodding, pointing her fork at me, "That is true." she says with a mouthful. "I can remember the day we to the town fair when we were like, 6? And she had like 2 tickets left for food and-"

"And she used it to buy me a ice cream instead of you." I chuckle as I finish the story.

Betty holds her lips in a taut line "Yup."

"Hey, but I shared my ice cream with you. I got one scoop rocky road for me, the other strawberry for you."

She nods with gratitude, "Yes, that you did. You're always keeping others in mind. "

She's looking at me the same way she did the other day by Sweetwater. A sweet smile but very obviously having thoughts in her head. What was she thinking about?

"What's with that face again?" I ask.

She looks side to side in confusion, "What face?"

I tap her nose with the handle end of my fork, "the one where you look deep in thought at me, Princess."

She shrugs, "I did no such thing." She sips her orange juice looking away from me.

"What're you thinking about?"

She exhales, "Lots."

"Like...?" I say biting into my second pancake now.

"Like, how do record players work? Like I get that the needle makes sound against the plastic but like how the exact voice of whoever is singing, it makes no sense to me."

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