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"What are you talking about?" I say, confused by the words that Betty said.

"You aren't my soulmate." she says again, avoiding eye contact.

I scoot closer, trying to get her to look at me. "Betty, I'm sorry if I upset you, I got ahead of myself. This doesn't mean we aren't soulmates."

She looks at me, "It does. Because I saw it on my arm. My soulmark was appearing and it didn't start with the letter A."

My face drops, along with my heart. "What? H-How is that possible, who else could it be?"

"Let's be honest, Arch. As perfect as it sounds to have my next door neighbour and childhood best friend be my soulmate, it isn't realistic. I love you, I do, but not the way I should."

"Okay, now what the fuck are you saying?" Anger fills me.

She grabs my hands, "Don't be upset, Arch, please. It makes sense, we don't work as well as we think."

"So you're saying you never loved me."

"You aren't hearing me. I love you, I still do, but there's always been this part of me that stopped me from going all the way with you, and I guess it's because I don't love you fully in that way. I'm sorry, it's just all becoming clear to me now. Don't be angry."

I sigh. "I guess you're right. We don't want the same things in a relationship."

Blatantly put, I wanted sex, she didn't.

She shrugs, "Don't think I didn't ever love you, though, Archie, I didn't mean it in that way."

"I know, Betty."

She hugs, me before kissing my cheek.

"So this is it?" she chuckles awkwardly.

"I guess so." I say.

"All good things come to an end." she smiles. "But you aren't getting rid of me, you're still my best friend."

I smile, "Of course."

"Okay," she lets out a breath as she stands up, "I'm gonna go home now. Love you."

"Love you too." I say before she leaves my room.

Now that I think about it, my love for Betty has always been at the same level. Friendship. I mixed it up with romantic feelings because of my need for lust. I'll always love Betty, but I don't think it was ever in the way we thought it was.



Reversing time - Lunch, now from Veronica's perspective.

I drag Jughead behind me after being embarrassingly confronted by Archie and Betty.

I lock the door behind us after we enter the Blue & Gold office. This was Betty and Jughead's workspace, but occasionally, we used it for fun since there were no cameras in this room.

"C'mon Ronnie, I just wanted to eat my burger." Jughead whines.

"That can wait."

"Actually, no it can't because the janitor probably threw it away by now-" I cut him of with a hand on his mouth.

"Just shut up."

I crash into his lips, pushing him towards the desks in the centre of the room.

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