Ch 8: Beauty in the Shadows

Start from the beginning

Kaminari: "Woah, what the heck was that?! And what were those things?!" He asked as his eyes widened.

Aika: "None of your concern." She said with a glare.

N: The guy's were quite, Aika turned around and walked to her desk. The guy's were hesitant to come in the classroom, they all looked around the room and behind the desks to check if there were any animals left. Aika put in her headphones and looked down with her arms crossed. The guy's were looking at each other then looked back to Aika. She didn't pick her head up, then Iida walked to her desk.

Iida: "Amari! Just what exactly were those animals doing in our classroom?! And how did they get into the school?!" He demanded as he chopped the air.

N: She kept her head down and stayed quiet. Iida grew more frustrated, and the guy's felt more confused.

Iida: "Hello? Amari, are listening?" He asked with a angry look.

N: She looked up at him with an angry fire in her eyes. It made Iida shiver and take a few steps back. She stood up from her desk and leaned a little over it.

Aika: "First of all, don't raise your voice like that to me. Second, those animals weren't real. And I didn't let them in, I made them." She said with a glare.

Deku: "W-w-what do you mean you made them?" He stuttered.

N: She turned her head in his direction, and it made him jump a little. And His legs started to shake.

Aika: "I told you all yesterday, I can make anything out of shadows. Those animals were just shadows."

Kaminari: "So those..things, were shadows?" He asked taking a step forward.

N: Aika looked at Kaminari and he took a step back. She let out a sigh and walked in front of her desk and leaned against it.

Aika: "Yes, they were all just shadows. I was waiting for class to start and I got bored, so I made the shadows into animals." She explained to them.

N: They all understood what she was saying.

Kirishima: "Gotta say, they looked pretty real. But they also looked kinda creepy, I mean they all were black with glowing red eyes." He said putting his hand on his waist.

Aika: "When I make something out of my shadows they only appear black with red eyes or sometimes just black. But they can also just be red with black streaks or symbols on them."

Todoroki: "Symbols?"

Aika: "Yes, but sometimes you can't really see the symbols so not that many people notice them. I call them shadow symbols, I can place them on anyone or anything and either control their shadow or place a shadow attack on them from a distance." She explained as she crossed her arms.

Kirishima: "Woah seriously? That's awesome." He said making a fist with a smile.

Iida: "Interesting information about your techniques. Can I ask, are those butterflies in your hair shadows as well?" He asked as pointed to her hair.

N: The guy's except for Tokoyami didn't notice the butterflies until Iida pointed them out. They all looked at her, Aika forgot she still had them in her hair she looked to the side and nodded her head yes.

Deku: "Wow they look so real." He said with a smile.

Aika: "Thanks, but I think I'm just gonna make them vanish. I don't need them in my hair." She said heading back to her seat.

N: The guy's all went to there seats and waited for class to start. But Tokoyami didn't sit down he just stood by Aika's desk. He grabbed a butterfly from her hair and looked at it closely. Aika looked up at him with a surprised look.

Aika: "Oh, Tokoyami." She said nervously as he looked at the butterfly.

N: He looked down at her and showed a little smile.

Tokoyami: "These are nice. Is it alright if I help you remove them?" He asked.

N: Aika started to blush a little then she gave him a nod. Aika took out the butterflies she could feel first and Tokoyami took out the other ones. They placed them on her desk and she brushed her hair with her hands to make sure no hair was standing up or out of place.

Tokoyami: "There." He said placing the last one on the desk.

Aika: "Thank you." She said with a smile.

N: He nodded his head and grabbed one of the butterflies. He looked at it then looked at Aika. She looked at him with confusion and concern because she thought something was wrong.

Aika: "What?" She asked.

Tokoyami: "I think it would be a shame if you let all of them go to waste." He said looking back at the butterfly.

Aika: "What do you mean?" She asked raising a brow.

N: Tokoyami looked back at her then leaned in a little closer. Aika's face turned a bright red, and her eyes widened a bit.

Tokoyami: "May I?" He asked looking her in the eyes.

N: She didn't say anything she just looked down as her face was a bright red. He pushed her hair back behind her ear and placed the butterfly on the strand of her hair to keep it in place. Feeling his hand run through her hair like that made a chill go down her back and caused her face to heat up. When he was done he looked at her and smiled.

Tokoyami: "Hmm."

N: Aika looked up at him to see him smiling, that made her blush a little more.

Aika: "What?" She asked.

Tokoyami: "Nothing. I just think you look lovely with the butterfly in your hair." He said with a little smile.

N: Aika's eyes widened with shock and she blushed more. She stared into his eyes and began to lose focus of everything else. It seemed as though she was in a trance, one that she was fine with.

Aika: "Oh, thank you." She said looking to the side.

Tokoyami: "Your welcome. Also, it's good to see you in uniform. I don't think anyone will talk about you rudely today." He said crossing his arms.

Aika: "True."

N: Aika grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly under her desk. She was blushing madly but to the point where it was almost visible to Tokoyami. She didn't want to look at him she was worried he would notice her blushing. He just stood there with his arms crossed and admired the way she looked. Then he regained focus and pulled his seat out and sat down facing forward. Aika waved her hand over the butterflies and they vanished, but she left the one in her hair. She looked down and smiled and looked up at Tokoyami and pushed her hair behind her other ear.

Aika: 'He's so...charming.' She thought to herself. 'Wait, what am I thinking? Snap out of it, it's nothing special.' She thought as she shook her head. 'But he is very nice, and he seems like a decent person to be friends with.' She closed her eyes, and crossed her arms and smiled and put her headphones in and listened to her music.
(Sry another long one. Hope u liked this chapter sry it took me so long to update but I'm trying my best to get it done.🙂)

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