Chapter Four: Pictures

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Chapter Four: Pictures 

Emma had woven through the corridors of the castle until the door to the defense against the dark arts classroom came into view. She had grown fond of the class and she had always enjoyed learning about the dark arts. Emma had proven herself a fairly decent tutor as she taught most of the material to herself, specifically with Lockhart's disaster last year. 

She had always been an excellent student, and really the tutoring lessons were only to refine her skills further. 

When Emma reaches for the door to go into the classroom, she is met with resistance from the lock. Groaning in frustration she remembered that Lupin had told her to meet in his office, which she just assumed would be in the defense classroom, which unequivocally is not. Before Emma has a chance to turn the other way and leave, her grip from the doorknob is pulled apart by it being swung open. 

Her hand still reaching out for the handle she looks up to see Lupin's face illuminated by the moonlight peaking in from the classroom windows. He smiles gently before speaking, 

"Thought you would never show up Miss Emilia. Was starting to wonder I scared you off" 

The two still in the same position as before, not more than a foot apart with their chests rising up and down, slowing increasing their breaths, unsure of what to say. 

"I...Sorry Professor. I got lost," Emma lies, and not very convincingly either.

Without knowing she has moved several inches closer to him, just by swaying back and forth on her feet. The familiarity of their first meeting lingering in the air ever so slightly, intoxicatingly dangerous. 

Remus notices immediately the instant intimacy of the moment, he wonders if this will be a common occurrence for them; if they will often find themselves with their breaths intertwined, synching up with one another unannounced. He doesn't allow himself to think further, as he is afraid of what it may mean, for both of them. 

"I see. Maybe a map would be helpful," Remus says clearing his throat walking past Emma out into the hall, closing the door behind him. He brushes against her slightly as he passes, Emma feels the familiar coldness of his skin on her bare arm, goosebumps rising almost in an instant which sends a shiver down her arms. 

Emma shakes her head and follows Lupin down the hallway to reach a door she had never seemed to notice before. It was far more tattered than the rest, and could easily go undetected if no one was to point it out. 

"I thought it would be best to talk in my private office, as I think this is the prime place for not only the most recent pressing matters at hand but also our future lessons," Remus says, unlocking the door with a swish of his hand. 

He looks at Emma who seems utterly confused, which was essentially her default at this point. 

"Only opens with the correct bit of magic," He says, now walking into the cluttered office. 

It takes Emma a few moments to take in her surroundings, the room was no bigger than her dormitory. With a desk in the middle of the room and shelves lining the walls from floor to ceiling. Some were filled with various novels, she noticed an entire shelf of muggle books with classics such as Pride and Prejudice being the most loved. If she had to guess there were probably over 300 books in the small space, all in different conditions, some falling apart at the seams while others looked as though they had never been loved. The most prominent shelf in the room sat adjacent to a door, different from the one they entered through. Emma only assumed that this door led to his private quarters.

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