Chapter Two: Blood

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Once the door to The Three Broomsticks slammed shut, Emma took a deep breath in still looking at Professor McGonagall doing as much as she could to not vomit on spot. Gathering her belongings for the table where she left it when she had first entered paying extra attention to her two feet in front of her.

"Miss Rosefield, I do think it is best to take you to Madam Pomfrey once we get back, as I would hate to not see you bright and early in the morning to welcome back the student." Professor McGonagall states curtly, practically dragging Emma out of The Three Broomsticks. Instead of arguing, Emma just nods knowing she is perfectly correct.

The walk back to the castle is just as miserable as she remembers it, grueling and incessant scolding of McGonagall all the way until they meet the entreance of the Gryffindor tower just after getting some medicine from Madam Pomfrey.

"I expect to see you at 8am bright and early in the great hall Miss Emma. Oh and I do have to remind you that being late will not earn you much praise from our new Professor." She winks, turning on her heels and leaving.

Once Emma reaches the top step, she slumps down on her bed, not looking forward to the rush of students rampaging through the common room in less than 24 hours. Closing her eyes to stop the entire room from spinning, she falls back and dares herself to reflect on what happened. She had flirted with Remus and he had with her, both unaware of how wildly inappropriate it had been. Emma consistently reminded herself that this man would be her mentor this year for her private lessons and that she would never dare to think about him in any other way. To remove these thoughts, she even compared it to flirting with Professor Snape or Hagrid, shuddering at the thought she took the medicine given to her by Madam Pomfrey to fall asleep quickly and instantaneously cure her dreaded hangover the next morning. She could not help to think of how intriguing Remus was to her, and how for the first time in her seven years at Hogwarts, she had found interest in someone else outside of her solitary life. She had to admit that she was far more excited for her lessons with Professor Lupin now that she had unknowingly gotten to know him quite well. Laughing quietly to herself, she thought about how ridiculous the situation had been and moved on from her embarrassed state to exceedingly excited to tell her best friend Darcy and the twins, already picturing the look on their faces when she tells them.
The sun peaked its way through the sheer curtains, causing Emma to groan in displeasure rolling the opposite direction. It had to be around 7 in the morning and she had finally opened her eyes remembering McGonagall's strict rules of being right on time. Swinging her feat of her bed, looking around the empty room for one last time before it was to be packed to the brim with her roommates things.

Padding across the wooden floor to her chest, Emma digs through the pile of shorts and tank tops from the summer months and past her muggle clothing, where she finally finds her wrinkled Gryffindor robe at the very bottom of the chest. Sliding on her favorite skirt that her and Darcy decided to hem several inches on one drunken adventure in the Prefects bathroom. It made it hit several inches above knees and it had been several years, and no had seemed to notice of their alteration, hoping to continue the trend this year. Far too tired to put on her long sleeve button up, she instead slipped on a white tank top tucking it under her skirts waistline. Running her hands through her hair, Emma slid on her shoes and grabbed her robes heading downstairs and out into the corridor.

She found that navigating the castle was far easier when it wasn't filled wall to wall with utterly confused first years, and the typical asshole 7th years making fun of them on the sidelines. Just as she herd the clock ring signaling 8 o'clock she pushed open the doors to the Great Hall and is greeting by a smug looking Professor Snape on the other side.

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