She doesn't respond and I can't tell if the silence is a good thing or not. She's starting to calm down a bit though. Her breathing is becoming more slow and she isn't shaking anymore. I don't want to let her go though. I don't know what's going on and why she's upset, but I'm going to do everything I can to make things better.

"I shouldn't have come here." She frantically says, stepping back from my hold. "I need to go."

"Hey, woah." I call, "I don't think you're in a good condition to leave. I don't want anything to happen to you. Please, stay."

She shakes her head, "It's not a good idea."

"Béa, please stay." I plead, and she nods.

She runs her fingers through her hair and looks up at the ceiling as her eyes start to gloss over again. "My life is such a mess." Her voice shook as she spoke, and she stepped back towards me.

"It'll be okay," I tell her, reaching out to bring her closer to me. I press my lips gently to her forehead before she rests her chin on my shoulder. "How about this, if you want, we can talk about what's making you upset, then we can watch a movie or we can just go to sleep. And then in the morning, if you want to act like tonight never happened, you leave and I won't say a word or we can have breakfast together. And, if you decide to tell me what's going on, I won't bring it up until you want to talk about it again."

"Niall..." She begins, "I just don't know how you're going to react or what you're going to think of me. I don't want you to judge me."

I sigh, "Béa, I don't want you to be scared to tell me things. I will never judge you for anything you do, I want you to know that."

Béa doesn't say anything, she just looks up at me with her teary eyes. "Can we go sit?" She asks, looking over at the couch.

"Yeah," I answer and I follow her over to my couch. She waits for me to sit down before sitting down a few feet away. To be completely honest, I wasn't nervous up until now. But I can tell that Béa's more nervous than I am. When it comes to talking about things, I don't want her to be nervous. She can tell me anything.

"I have to tell you something and I don't know how you're going to take it." She tells me.

"Whatever it is, you don't have to be nervous about telling me things," I tell her.

"But Niall, it's bad." She says, her voice shaking a little bit. "It's not good and I don't know what you're going to think about it."

"You can tell me anything, absolutely anything, and it won't change how I feel about you, okay?" I tell her. She looks like she could burst into tears again, and it's taking everything in me to not scoot over and hug her again. "I don't want you to feel like you need to keep things from me. I just want to help make things better, I don't like seeing you upset like this."

Béa sighs, "I'm just scared."

"I know, but you don't have to tell me," I say.

"No, I need to." She says, "I want you to hear it from me and not anyone else."

I nod, looking up at her while she fidgets with her rings. She doesn't say anything right away, and I can assume she's gathering her thoughts. Her glossy eyes look up to meet mine and I just want to hold her again.

"It's kinda a long story, but um, do you remember the movie I was in?" She asks, and I shake my head yes. After she had told me she was in a movie, I wanted to watch it and I came pretty close to watching it, but Béa had told me not to and I didn't want to go against her.

"Well, my dad passed away while I was in the audition process. He was really excited and kept telling me that I was going to get this role. He was so excited." Béa tells me, a few tears starting to fall from her eyes. "I didn't want to let him down. It eventually was down to me and another girl, one of us was going to get the part. It wasn't supposed to be me, but... um, the director got the final say. The director, Jonathan Knight, pulled me aside one day and told me the part was mine if I did something for him. Meaning like..." She trails off, waiting to see if I knew what she meant. I nod in response. "Yeah... Well, I got the part, so I guess you can figure out how."

Heartbreak Weather | Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now