chapter twenty two

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Subtle Looks. 

Spencer's POV: 

"Come on Spence, don't wear a sweater vest." JJ pleaded, standing at my front door while Emily and Derek awaited our arrival in the car. 

"What am I supposed to wear?" I looked down at the brown sweater vest covering my torso. 

JJ didn't bother to answer but pushed past me and headed straight to my closet. 

"Here." she pulled out a t-shirt that Morgan bought for me one year for my birthday.  I cringed, not liking the idea of wearing a band t-shirt out of my house, not my style. 

"Fine, you win this battle. But if you don't get any girls tonight-" she hung the shirt back on the hanger. "Don't blame me." 

I brushed off her comment as we headed down the stairs and to the car that was still running. 

"Goodness what took you guys so long?" Emily asked as soon as I opened the car door. "Was Spencer in Canada or something?" 

"Come on, they didn't take that long." Derek defended, making Emily roll her eyes, per usual. 

It was finally team night out- one that I had been dreading. I mean how was I supposed to feel when Grace told me she was bringing her new boyfriend? I still hadn't really understood why or how she has a boyfriend, but I guess I have to be happy for her. 



Grace's POV: 

"Elliot, are you almost-" I walked into my living room to see Elliot in fact ready and sitting on the couch. 

He stood up, walking over to me as I fastened my earring around my ear. 

"You look-" he looked me up and down, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "Stunning." 

"Thank you." I smiled, blushing a bit. 

Turning on my heels, I walked back to my bedroom to put the finishing touches on my outfit and shower myself in perfume, per usual. 

Elliot of course followed, sitting on my bed and patiently awaiting me to finish getting ready as I was always running late. 

"Okay, once again." I instructed him as we were practicing the names of everyone on the team. 

"Derek, Penelope, Emily, and Stick Boy." he replied confidently, but still missed the mark. 

I smiled, turning to look at him. "Don't call Spencer, Stick Boy. He's actually been going to the gym lately and I think he won't be too happy if you insult him like that." 

"Not my fault he looked like a pipe cleaner in all the pictures you showed me." Elliot scoffed as I rolled my eyes. 

Grabbing my purse and keys, I was finally ready to go and so was Elliot. I shut off the lights in my apartment before Elliot dragged me downstairs and to my car, before driving over to the bar. 

"No left turn here!" I directed him as he turned the opposite way. 

We both sighed before Elliot spoke up. "You have to tell me earlier Grace." 

I rolled my eyes as he turned back around, this time turning left instead of right. Morgan and him already had something in common- horrible at driving. 

Finally, we ended up in the parking lot of Riley's, at last. As we parked, I saw the familiar cars that the team drove , sending a breath of relief over me to know that we weren't the first ones there. 

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