Chapter 4) Latin explosives

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Loki gets picked up by this misterious man, what he didn't expect was to meet his nurse sister as well.

Also if you got this far plzzzzz leave a like. <3

And my apollogies for not being so online on Wattpad i had a few days of intensive editing to do XD (And some school work, i study at the uni, so I got a shit ton of work with that too XD) but it's all posted on here now as well XD!!!!

*** Loki's POV ***

After two long hours of waiting nervously for someone to show up at the shop, a five foot two tall Latino strolled into the office room and gestured Loki to follow.

Okay this was not what he had expected the contact to look like. He was secretly thinking of some 9 foot tall human version of Thor.
Not a small colourful dressed Latino, with a weird moustache.

The man had quicly waved his hand toward Corey, before they went towards his car outside. They clearly knew each other, but not in a best friends sort of way.

The latino opened the door for him. "Get in, amigo." The man said with an Mexican accent.
He obliged without a word and lowered himself on the passenger seat. it felt strange to sit in a car. He had never been a passenger like this, nor drove one himself.

He didn't need to, in all the years he had been on Midgard. He could easily just teleport himself in a radius of 100 miles, or take a rift to walk on Yggdrasil's ways to an infinite distance.
Tonight and for the next part of his life, that sadly won't be an option. Too much magic would be involved with that and that's a risk.

Loki really felt uncomfortable at the moment. The only thing he really wanted and needed now, was to rest his head and go to sleep.

*** the other's POV ***

He took his seat on the other side of the vehicle and drove out of the parking. When finally on the open road he looked at the alien sitting next to him.
Is this truly Loki? He questioned within his thoughts.

The villain looked like shit and appeared to withdraw more and more within himself. Maybe he should have talked some more towards him, but what does one say to someone like Loki?
It sure was the first time that he was going to help an alien.
Does the man even know how to be human? He sure does look like one. He toughed.

He made a mental list of what he's going to have to ask and boy, it was a lot. He will have to do the full package here.
ID, birth certificate, studies. What did the hombre even studied, up in god land? Driving licence,... can he drive? A bank account, which will be depending on the place he'll live. He thought.
Mierda, he would have to contact some friends to fix this.

Also a makeover wouldn't be a bad idea. Although with his hair long and messy and his frame scrawnier than on the news, he was pretty unrecognizable. Especially without the green cape and golden horns on his head.
Additionally his wounds did mask his identity a bit as well.

His hermana would have to do the makeover though, along with having a look at his injuries. That was always more her side of the job, cause she was nurse and is a woman, so she has a better eye for those things than he did.

However she was totally going to kill him, for bringing a supervillain to their current safe house.
Maybe he could better send her a text to warn her in advance.

Hermana por favor don't freak out when I bring someone in today, he's a bit a different case then the others we helped.
He's hurt, so put the med kit out.
Gracias hermana

*** Loki's POV ***

He could feel the eyes of the stranger constantly wandering towards him. they have been driving for have an hour already and he felt himself grow sicker with the minute.
is this what the mortals call carsickness? Came to mind while trying to keep himself together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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