Chapter 3) A much needed hand

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This chapter wil be somewhat from the shopkeepers experience. he had never expected to get a supervillain on his doorstep, while on the nightshift.
it's also an importand last key chapeter to get the story well settled.

*** Corey Harrison's POV (cameo) ***

After having a weekend to himself. Corey got stuck with having the night shift for the week. One of the night shifters got sick, so his father had asked him to take over this time. It's one of the downside perks of having to run a family business, although he liked what he was doing. You never know when something interesting gets trough the doors.

Today had been a little interesting already. An old woman had rang the doorbell, to come and sell an original first edition of Gulliver's travels by Jonathan Swift. That sure peaked his interests, compared to the gold rings and necklaces people came to sell all day and night, besides it was in near perfect condition. The company sure would make a good profit out of it and luckily these types of books sell fast.

Mostly they would go to fans, collectors, or even some sort of galleries. He just had to have it, so he went pretty high with the price there, but he knew that the money will go to a good cause. The lady wanted to put it into her granddaughters studies.

His partner for the night had earlier purchased a piece of fine Chinese porcelain. Although she had to call an expert in, to also have a look at it. you can't always be sure of the validity of the Chinese dynasty labels, but it had appeared to be the real deal. So that was awesome.
The poor specialist though. He was clearly called out of his sleep, but the man drove to the shop anyways. That type of trust is priceless.

Some people were just to scared to bring in their stuff in, at full service under the eyes of everyone around. So they usually decide to come in at night.
A good thing they had installed a bel and put on a night shift. Only today, Corey really handn't prepped enough for the night shift to be on his best senses.

The bel started to ring and he looked over at his partner, to see who's going to answer it this time. Although he knew it was his turn again, so it was a stupid try to look her in the eye and see if she would go.
She had already answered three more calls then he did, so he took it like a man and got up.

"Hello can I help you?" He asked trough the speakers of the bel. A few long seconds later he got a reply.

"Yes, I suppose... I am here to sell something of high value." The voice of a man came through a little nervously. He sounded rough, like he had swallowed a gallon of gravel before coming to the shop.

"Okay,... just wait a minute and I'll open the door for you." Corey answered with curiosity, but also a healthy dose of reluctance. He really had the feeling that something's up. Only he didn't really know if its positive or not, but he took the bait anyway. Cause this could be something big.

Opening the door he paused a little, before stepping aside to let the gaunt and tall man in. He looked absolutely horrible. His long curly raven black hair hung unkept over his shoulders and his face appeared to be terrible sunburned, as well as his hands.
Under those burns a swollen upper lip and left cheek were prominently sticking out, along with a black eye on the right side and a forehead full of contusions.
His sharp jawline is ruined by small infected cuts and it looks like he had bitten his underlip as well.

His whole face seemed to have little puncture marks all over it and some of the pins were still stuck in his hair. This dude had clearly made out with a big cactus and by the looks of it, was that clearly not the best moment of his life.
He also had marks and open infected skin on his slender neck and wrists. Like they were rubbed raw by something and the sand that had gotten into it, sure didn't help either.
He also didn't wear much on his person, except for a weird looking green shirt, leather slacks and strange looking heavy boots. Like they come from a LARP gear shop.
Who is this guy? Corey wondered.

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