Not her

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I wake up to the feeling of my blankets moving and realize its just my dad tucking me in. I pretend im still asleep and I take in the feeling of being little again. I miss it, simpler times and all. "I'm so glad youre okay Addie.." my dad says softly. "I love you" he whispers and walks out of the room.

"I love you too dad" I say as the door closes behind him. I fall back to sleep but not the kind where you wake up relaxed and re-energized. It was the kind of sleep that you toss and you turn and dark figures in your yard haunt your mind..

               I wake up to my alarm and sit up grabbing my phone to shut it off. I look across my room into my mirror and I can see the dark bags under my eyes. Wow I look like hell, good thing I plan on skipping today anyways.

I text Riley good morning and ask her if shes going to be in today wondering if she's feeling better today. Which would be a good thing but at the same time I dont want to go to school today. Riley responds to me quickly.

Riley: im still sick prob be a few days till im better.

Me: yikes flu? i miss you so much rye..

Riley: yah flu, miss u 2.

Me: Im skipping, can I come over? idc if I get sick

Riley: dont come here

Me: ouch rye..

                I wait a while for her to answer and when she doesn't I decide to just show up anyways. She's never told me not to come over and shes not starting today! I get dressed and throw on my shoes and grab my backpack so when I get home my dad will think i was at school. Yeah smart I know. I grab my phone and head out the front door to start my walk to Rye's house. I plug my headphones in and turn on my music while I walk.

" you found me you found me lyinnng on the flooor where were you where were you?" I hum along to the music of my favorite band.  Ive been walking for about 20 minutes when I see someone fall into step next to me. I jump and pull my headphones out. " Schools in the other direction Addie" Derick says as he chuckles at me for jumping. "is it? then why arent you going that way?" i ask him cockily.

He smirks at me and follows as I continue walking. " Why are you following me" I ask him stopping again. "Im curious as to where you could be running off to thats more important than school" he says to me with a smile. I can't help but notice the dimples in both cheeks when he smiles. I blush when he notices me staring and I start to walk again. " If you must know Riley is sick and I'm going over to check on her" I tell him. " Her parents should be able to do that no?" he asks me with a confused look.

" No they cant because theyre dead" I say angrily. Riley lost both her parents in a car accident when she was 4. She was in the car when it happened and was the only one to make it out alive. Car seats save lives people. " Oh. I didnt know. I apologize" he says in a softer tone. I sigh and shake my head. " Its not like you could have known anyways. She lives with her grandmother whos so old I don't think she even knows what day it is." I explain to him. He nods his head and continues to walk with me.

" I really probably shouldnt skip school today Rileys going to be mad im even here.." I say out loud more to myself then anything. " I can wait outside while you talk and we could walk to school together or I'll call a cab or something" Derick offers.  I think about it for a minute as we turn onto Rye's street and I nod my head. " Yeah I guess thats okay" I say to him. " Thats her house right there" I say pointing to it.

Derick nods to me and I walk up the stairs to Rileys front door knocking on it and walking in as Ive done for years now. Rileys grandmother is sleeping on the couch with the TV on. I smile to myself, the poor thing is so tired all the time. I walk upstairs to Rileys room and I knock on the door. Its opened slightly but she doesn't answer. Maybe shes sleeping? I push the door open quielty. Shes not here? Her bed is made and she's not in it. " What the fuck?" I think to myself a little annoyed.

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